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All we could hear was the sound of the clock ticking. Tension was still in the air after the misunderstanding two nights ago. I tap my foot rapidly along with my finger. "That's it! I can't take this tension anymore!" I exclaim as I cross my arms. "Act like grown men for once!" I began to walk out of the kitchen as I felt frustrated. A simple misunderstanding and yet they are still fighting. It frustrates me that they can't move on and makeup with each other. I can't expect everything to be all nice and sweet after conflict. Still! They should know how to at least put it behind them! I growl and harshly threw one of Ran's shirts in the laundry basket. "I've seen you annoyed, but not mad." I turn my head to see Ran. I look away and continue to gather his dirty clothes. "I'm not mad. I'm just frustrated." I reply. "It's the same thing." He says. "No, they're two completely different emotions. Being mad means being very angry. Being frustrated means by feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of inability to change or achieve something." I explain as I started to feel annoyed. "Still the same thing." He says. "They are not-" I turn around, but I became met by his chest. He lifts my chin and smirks down at me. "You're adorable when you're frustrated." He teases. Now he's just pushing my buttons. Even if he's annoying me, I couldn't help but blush at his actions. I shook my head and got out of his grip. "Don't push my buttons, Ran," I said. I went around him, but I felt him grab my arm and pull me. I yelped as I drop the basket and fell on his bed.

"You deny, but that blush tells me everything." I felt his hot breath against my neck as he hovers over me. "Are you and your brother both hypocrites?" I ask as I try to push him away. "What? I was going to ask for your consent." He says. I was about to reply, but I felt him pull me closer to his body. I felt my chest tighten as I felt this feeling again. "You smell so sweet. I want more of it. But every time I want it, you keep pushing me away. You give it to the others, but not me. Do you hate me?" He asks. "I-I don't-" I was cut off as he gently places his soft lips against my neck. I close my eyes as I tried to fight back the feeling.

He hovers back over me and I look up at him. "Good. It hurts me when you don't share your feelings with me. All I want is to share my feelings with you." He said as he begins to take off his tie. My eyes widen at his words. Those words. . .

"You're mine! You'll always be! You disobey me and I hate to harm you!" I began to cry as I realized this wasn't love. "You know I love you. Don't hate me, please. It hurts me when you don't share your feelings with me. All I want is to share my feelings with you." I close my eyes as I saw the blood-covered blade.

"No!" I push him as hard as I can. I saw he now looked worried for my well-being, but I just shook my head and ran out of his room. I passed by Mochi, Akashi, Koko, and Rindo. "(Y/n)?" Koko asks as he sounded worried. I didn't look at them and continued running until I reached my room. I locked the door and hid in the closet. I curled up and hugged my knees. I began to shake and cry as those painful memories came back again. The ones I wanted to bury so deep. All I wanted was for Shuji to come and hold me. Wanting him to tell me that everything is going to be alright. Shuji! I need you! Please! It hurts. . .it hurts so bad!

"You're so sensitive," Shuji says as he hugs me from behind. I continue to sniffle and cry. He sighs and rubs my head. "Don't worry. I'll always be there for you and help you feel better. My sensitive bunny." He whispers to me.

- Koko POV -

"You have a death wish from Mikey," Akashi says as he shakes his head. "I didn't do anything to harm her! I was going to ask for consent!" I glare at him. "Maybe get the hint that she doesn't want anything to do with s*x! Have you ever thought about her feelings before yours?!" I shout at him. "Oh look, Romeo is talking! I thought you only cared about money, not something that isn't your business!?" I was about to get physical until Rindo came between us. "We already have enough conflict here already! Let's not piss off Mikey more unless you want each of us to get a bullet in our heads!" He states. I backed away and so did he. A flash of (Y/n) running down the hall came into my mind. "She looked scared. She looked like she was in pain. You said or did something to her to make her act that way." I said. He stays silent before walking away. Rindo sighs heavily and rubs his head. "Let's not mention this to Mikey or anyone else. Koko, you go check on (Y/n) to see if she's alright." He says. I left without saying a word.

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