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At the start. . .we weren't always like this.

"Jun, I like you to meet the Higa family. They are my trustworthy friends." My father smiles. I used to live with my mother until she died. She got too high off on her products. Life wasn't so glamorous when living with her. She was a goddess to the men around her, but she was just a w**re. She would honestly get with any man that gave her what she wanted. Whether that be s*x, money, drugs, etc. She was there to return the favor for any of them. I always thought that pretty girls or women were spoiled and rotten. They had no heart, no love, no joy. They were all selfish and self-centered. That was until I saw her.

"This is my daughter, (Y/n). I'm sure you two will become great friends." Her father hums. She was beautiful. A dream come true. Everything about her seemed unreal. "Nice to meet you, Jun-Kun." she smiles at me. On that day. . .I promised myself that I was going to marry her. To be the best loving husband for her. To love and protect her. 

Though why did she have to love someone else? 

I stopped at the entrance of her school and waited for her as always. I looked up as I heard her laugh. She was laughing with another guy that wasn't Hanma. I froze as he wrapped his arm around her waist. She blushed and smiled at his action. The two then stopped in front of me. "Jun, I like you to meet (Random guy name). He's a good friend of mine." She smiles. He held out his hand and smiled at me. "Nice to meet you." I grab his hand with a tight grip. "Woah, strong grip you got there, buddy." he laughs nervously. "Apologies, a force of habit." I apologize. "Well, I'll see you in class, sunshine." He tells (Y/n). "R-Right, bye-bye." She stutters. 

"Sunshine?" I ask as we started walking. "O-Oh, that's just a nickname he gave me. Sweet isn't it?" she asks. "You're blushing. I've never seen you act that way about a guy." I said. "A-Am I?" she asks as she covers her face. I would find it cute if I was so jealous at the time. "Well, I guess it's because I have a crush on him. He's cute, charming, smart, a joker, kind, caring, sweet. . ." I put on a fake smile as she went on about him. Finally, we made it to her house. "I'm sorry if I annoyed you by telling you about my crush. I don't have anyone but my mom to talk about it." she apologizes. "It's fine. You can always tell me anything you like to share." I reply. She smiles and hugs me. "It's so good to have a guy friend like you. I hope nothing changes." She said. "S-Same here. . ." I reply. 

- Eddie POV -

When I first met (Y/n), I didn't think much of her. She was just there. I didn't hate her, there was nothing to hate her for. That was until a few years later. 

"Defend yourself, Eddie!" one of my classmates shouts. I tried my best to block the katana with mine, but my opponent kept going faster and harder. They then took my katana away and kicked me to the ground. I tried to get up, but they pointed my weapon at my head. A whistle was heard and I grumble in defeat. My opponent got off of me and handed me my weapon. . .again. "A job well done again, (Y/n)." My father claps and smiles. She took off her mask and smiled. "Anything to get better." She hums. My father chuckles and wraps his arm around her. She was just there. She was always there. I grew envious that she took my father's affection and attention away from me. I was just his disappointment of a son. A son he barely took notice of. I did everything I could to be better than her in training and missions. But she was always on top. She was always better than me. I was always second best. 

"Eddie," I heard my father speak. "Yes, father?" I was curious and eager to know what he was going to tell me. "I'm coming to the age where I'm not like what I used to be. As you know, my job is to protect and watch over (Y/n). You will soon take that role from me. And when she has a child of her own, you or your son will watch over them." He says. I was a bit disappointed that all he wanted to talk about was my next step as a Crimson Soldier. However, he left an important detail for me when I take his place. "And don't I become captain of the Crimson Soldiers as well?" I ask. His next words made me hate the world for being born. "That role is for (Y/n). Her mother and I discussed this and thought she would be a better role for that. She's skilled at every level and knows how to take control. You will be her second in command." he informed me. I slam my fist on the table. "Bullsh*t!" I shout. "Eddie!" he shouts back. "I deserve to be captain! I worked so hard to be better than her! The whole point of taking over for you is so I can have control of what you have! All you ever do is talk about her! You are more of a father to her than you are to me!" I shout at him. I stormed off and tried to cool down. 

However, I was too p*ssed to calm down. I grabbed the throwing knives and threw them at the dummy. "I hope you die, you f*cking b*tch!" I shout. I let out my rage and continued to rip the dummy apart. "Wow, I've never seen you so worked up before." I heard Jun. I turn my head at him as he stepped out of the shadows. "I hope you're talking about some other b*tch and not my wife." I glared at him. Jun was obsessed with (Y/n) that he grew delusional in his love for her. "She's not your wife, psycho. And I don't give a sh*t about what you think I call her. She took everything from me." I spat at him. I then felt someone kick my legs from behind and pin me down. "(Y/n)-Chan isn't a b*tch. She's a sweet little angel." Hiroki says. Hiroki is also obsessed with (Y/n). "The real b*tch is her mother. She's the one who put (Y/n) into the Crimson Soldiers. Who put your father in charge to look after (Y/n). Who gave the idea for (Y/n) to take over. She's the real problem to everything." Jun says as crouches in front of me. "We have a plan to get rid of that mother of hers. Once she's dead, (Y/n) wouldn't know what to do. She'll be paralyzed. Once I marry her, I can take control and give you anything you want. Do you want to join or die in our plan?" Jun asks. I look at him for a moment. "What do I have to do?" I ask. He smirks and stood back up. "Sacrifice the one person you wished that loved you like family," he says. Both he and Hiroki disappear. 

At the start. . .we weren't always like this. Though things change as time goes by. So much can happen that sometimes. . .you don't remember what it was like before everything changed.   

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