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(Y/n) walked through the hallway quietly as she saw the dried-out bloodstains on the walls. The men walked behind her since they were the ones that did this. Memories rewind in her mind as she walked through.

"I'm going to get you, my little bunny!" Her mother laughs as she ran down the hall. (Y/n) giggles as she tried to run away. Her mother eventually catches up to her and snatches her off the ground. "M-Mommy! T-That t-tickles!" (Y/n) laughs.


"Shuji! You run too fast!" (Y/n) pouts as she tried to get to the young boy. "Maybe you're just too slow!" He stuck out his tongue. "Meanie!" (Y/n) shouts as she ran faster. She tackled him down and in the end they both laugh.


"I had a dream last night." (Y/n)'s mother began. (Y/n) stops and listens to her. "About what?" (Y/n) asks. "I had a dream where you were older and getting married. Your wedding outside the backyard and decorations hung around the house. You wore a beautiful wedding dress and you looked like a princess that stepped out from a fairytale." Her mother smiles. "Your father is a crying mess as he saw you walk down the stairs, waiting for you to walk down the aisle with him. You and I tried to calm him down before the music started to play. It felt so real. I hope that dream comes true and I'll be there to see it." Her mother smiles brightly.

(Y/n) began to weep by the staircase where her mother told her that dream. It felt so long ago. It wasn't till now that it dawned on her that she was alone in the world. She lost her mother, her father, and probably Hanma, as well, since he doesn't know where she is. She rubbed the necklace her mother left behind. She didn't turn her head to face the group of men. "Take me where you killed my father." She said. The way she said it sent shivers down their spines. She didn't sound warm or comforting. Instead, she sounded cold and demanding. Mikey led the way since he was the one who killed her father. (Y/n) stayed silent as she looked around when they walked downstairs. They each studied her facial expression to see how she would react. Her eyes resembled Mikey's a bit: dead and cold. They stopped in front of a door, (Y/n) knew that this door led into her father's study. She opened the door to see it was cleaned out, mainly because of police and investigators. She looks around to see where her father died. The bloodstains reflected in her teary eyes. (Y/n) kneeled in front of it. Still staying silent, she observes the area. A glint of light could be seen under the carpet that was embedded into the house. She reached into the carpet and began to lift the already ripped carpet. She couldn't hold her tears anymore as she saw it was a family photo of her father, her mother, and herself. The glass was cracked as if someone stepped on it. The Bonten group felt uncomfortable since they were the ones who did this, along with them not knowing how to comfort her. (Y/n) stood up and began to walk out. "I like to be alone for a moment," she said as she went back to her room. 

Mikey sat on the stairs and remember the hurt look in (Y/n)'s eyes. When he first encountered her, she seemed like an ordinary woman. A woman that lived life easily and happily. Though, that all changed when he heard her cry. For the first time in all his criminal life, he felt guilty. He took the last person she had in her life, and that included Hanma since he didn't know Hanma was still around in Japan. Mikey got up and started walking up to her room. Ever since The Tokyo Manji Gang disbanded, he felt empty and hollow inside. It wasn't until now, when he brought (Y/n) into his life, that he felt warmth and comfort. Even if he was viewed as a monster back then and now, she didn't call him a monster. She treated him like a human being, and it made him feel relaxed. She looked after him even if he didn't ask for it. She cared for his well-being even though they barely knew each other. Mikey walked inside her room, and he saw her outside on the balcony. It was already sunset, and it looked beautiful, to be honest. Mikey stood next to her and didn't make a sound. "My father was a weak man. He knew nothing about what it meant to be part of a gang." (Y/n) spoke. "He cried, he was weak compared to others, and he was just an emotional mess. The friends he worked with called him 'The Sensitive Wolf'. He was afraid to take the kill. To take what was his. He wasn't that kind of person." Mikey saw the slight smile on her face. "In high school, he started to date my mother. She was kind, warm, and caring to my father. She was patient with his feeling and held his heart carefully. She built him back up and made him feel like a better man. She knew he dealt with gangs and eventually the yakuza. She helped him with his problems even though my father wanted her not to be involved. My mother being stubborn as she was, didn't back down. She continued to love my father even if he was doing something horrible behind the curtains. She stayed by him and soon got the name "The Deadly Butterfly". She seemed beautiful and welcoming on the outside, but can kill you in an instant if she didn't trust you." (Y/n) chuckles a bit at the end. 

Mikey thought back on when Himura called (Y/n) butterfly. He wonder what was her name since she had a secret life back then. Or was it just a nickname since she resembled her mother? "She stayed with him no matter what crossed their path. Even if it cost her life. When she died, I was all that I had left of my mother. My father became so sad and depressed that he could barely keep himself healthy. I feared that I was going to lose him as well. So, I began to act like my mother. I acted my behavior and look more like her. I just wanted him to be happy, but I also didn't want to lose him. I don't know whether or not it was a mistake to leave him on his own." (Y/n) looked down at the framed photo and Mikey's eyes went down to the little girl in the middle. She had long (h/c) and big (e/c) eyes that were filled with joy and happiness. Her dress was pink and had a picture of a cute little bunny. Even in her hair, there was a bunny hair-clip. She seemed so happy to be with her parents on that sunny day that the photo was captured. Though, something in his brain racked. He felt like he has seen this little girl before. "You served your end and now it's time for me to do the same." (Y/n) said as she walked over to her bookshelf. She began to push the bookshelf away from the wall and Mikey saw a safe. "Papa knew that this day would eventually come, so he hid most of his money in my room. My room is the only one with a special lock that only he knows how to unlock. Mainly, since he made it. Along with nobody being able to take it off from my door. It was also used to protect me in case someone did try to break into our home." She took out all the money she had in the safe. It totaled at least millions of yen. She saw the rest of the members walk in. She handed each of them a bag of money. "I hope it's useful. Spend it as much as papa would've wanted me to." She began to pack up items from her room and waited outside for them. 

After a moment of silence, they started to leave. However, Sanzu stayed behind to get the outfit he saw earlier. A photo didn't feel enough evidence to confront (Y/n) on who she was. Once he got down, the group began to walk back to the car and head back home. (Y/n) began to feel tired from the long day they had. She often felt sleepy when she was in a driving car. She titled her head to the side and it landed on Rindo's shoulder. Rindo looks down at her to see what she was doing, only to be met by her sleeping face. He wanted her off of him but decided against it. He didn't want to admit it, but he enjoys her kind and caring attitude. He caused a lot of suffering to people when he was younger, so it felt nice to have something innocent around him. His eyes landed on her necklace, and he noticed her wear it when they first met her. It seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't place his finger on where he has seen it. His eyelids became heavy as he felt her comfortable warmth radiating off of her. He closed his eyes and rested his head on hers. Unconsciously, he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her closer. (Y/n) smiles as she felt the comfort in her sleep. 

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