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I woke up as the light shined through the window. I opened my eyes to see it was now morning. I tried to move, but my body felt sore. I then felt someone pull me closer to them. I turn my head to see Mikey still asleep. I blush as I remember our long night together. It's been so long since I had s*x. But it wasn't like how I spent with Mikey. I felt Mikey shift and kiss the back of my neck. "Good morning, Mikey." I smile. He hums and continues to kiss my neck. "How are you feeling?" he asks. "A little sore, but I should be fine," I reply.  "That's good." I carefully turn around and smile at him. "Did you enjoy it?" he asks with a sly smirk. I wrap my arms around his neck. "It was better than I expected," I reply all flustered. He chuckles and moves his lips to my breast. "It got better when you started to scream out my name." Unexpectedly, he bites my right breast. "M-Mikey!" I was still sensitive from last night. "Still sensitive, songbird?" he teases. "Meanie. . ." I pout at him. 

We got ready and began to walk to the dining room. "Apologies to keep you all waiting." I apologize to the others as they were waiting for food to be served. I started to cook as fast as I can. 

- Ran POV -

I look at (Y/n) closely as she was cooking. I noticed her limp a little as she walked. I raise a brow at her strange actions. Her hair moved to the side and my eyes widen as she had a bite on her neck. I look at Mikey as he was watching her. He had a bite on the side of his neck and a few hickeys as well. Don't tell me. . .I look at Rindo as he noticed it as well. Two can play this game, Mikey. "(Y/n), can you meet me in my room after breakfast. I need your help on what I should wear to your special party tonight." I said. "You can wear whatever is comfortable to you, Ran." She says. Every unintentional rejection is like a slap to the face. "But I do need your opinion. I can't feel comfortable without your advice." I said. "Desperate much?" Sanzu mutters. I glare at him for a moment before looking back at (Y/n). "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to help." She smiles at me. "I need help too," Rindo says. "So do I," Koko says next. "If you don't mind," Kakucho says. "What they said," Sanzu says. "I need help too." Mikey was the last one to ask for help. I glare at them slightly as they used me to get an opening. "Um, I suppose I can help you five as well. Akashi, Mocchi, do you need help as well?" she asks the two. The two shook their heads. "No, I think we're just fine," Akashi replies. 

I got in my room and got ready to set a little mood. I don't know how Mikey did it, but this should hopefully bring her closer to me. I lay out a few clothes on my bed that I had planned to wear tonight. I heard her knock on my door. "Come in," I told her. She walks in and walks over to where I stand. I began to unbutton my shirt a bit. "I set down a few that I planned to wear tonight, but I wanted to get your opinion on them," I told her. She crosses her arms and tilts her head to the side. Thinking of what I should wear. She picks up a tie and turns to me. "I think this tie should suit you." She says as she wraps it around my neck. "You think so?" I ask her with a smile. "Uh-huh and-" My eyes widen as she pulls me down a bit to her level. "I know this is just some excuse to get you closer to me." she whispers in my ear. I chuckle. "Oh no, you caught me." I said with a sly smirk. "What gave me away?" I ask. "You stare way too much." She replies. "It's kinda hard not to stare when you look that gorgeous." I reply. "Is that what you say to every girl you want to sleep with?" She raises a brow. "Geez, aren't you a rose with thorns? So beautiful yet hurtful to grip." I place my hands on her waist. I pulled her close to my body. "Know that you're the only woman that makes me desperate. Not just to have you in my arms, but to have your love and joy." I said as I was inches away from her lips. She grabs my chin and smiles. "All you have to do is just ask." She says. I then felt her pull away. "I must apologize, but I have to help the others. Maybe another time." She says with an apologetic face. She then kisses my cheek and heads to the door. She turns her head at me before walking out. "That tie does suit you." She smiles before walking out. I chuckle and held on the tie. "Then I'll wear it for you." I hum.

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