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(Y/n) stood still as Eddie held up his gun. (Y/n) looks at him. "Poor, Eddie. Not even your anger can kill me." Quickly moving, she pulled out another gun from behind and shot Eddie twice. His eyes widen and fell backward on the railing. (Y/n) ducked as she was getting shot at. "(Y/n)-chan!~ We don't want to hurt you! So please do as we say!" Hiroki smiles. "Sweet, Hiroki. When will you learn that I can't love you either?" Hiroki took cover as (Y/n) began to shoot back at him. "Maybe because you were sickly insane just like your brother." (Y/n) snuck up on him and tackled him to the ground. She took the gun away from him and punched his face. Knocking him out cold. She was about to kill him, but Jun grabbed her from behind. He threw her last gun away and tried to pin her down.

(Y/n) fought her way out of his grip by taking a knife out of her pocket. She slashed Jun's cheek with it. Jun glared at her as he felt blood dripping from his face. "Doesn't feel nice, does it?" She asked as she glared at him. Jun took out his knife and got in a stance to fight. "How would you know? You can't feel pain." (Y/n) went for an attack and quickly sliced his arm. "I'll slice you up just like you did with me. Maybe then you'll feel my pain." 

The two went towards each other and began to fight. (Y/n) quickly sliced Jun every time she went near him. Jun grunted as he kept getting deep cuts from her. (Y/n) stops and looks at Jun, seeing him all cut up. "I don't understand. . .why do you love those bastards. I had everything for you. I love you and yet you push away. Why don't you love me?" Jun asks her. "How many times do I have to say it? I don't love-" (Y/n) was cut off. She felt something on her back. "You," Hiroki whispers in her ear. He took out the blade that he stabbed her with. (Y/n) turned around to attack him, but she felt something on her back again. "I hate to cut you again, but you leave me no choice. One way or another. . .you're mine." Jun says to her. "Ours." Hiroki corrects. 

"Actually, she belongs to neither of you." Mikey's voice was heard. "(Y/n), get down!" Sanzu shouts at her. (Y/n) quickly pulled herself away from Jun and his knife. She jumped out of the way as Sanzu and the other set ablaze the two brothers. Killing the two in the process. "She belongs to Bonten." Ran smirks. Koko and Kakucho ran to (Y/n) to help her up. "You okay?" Koko asks her worriedly. "Can't feel a thing." She jokes. Kakucho applied pressure to wounds as the three chuckled at her joke. "Is Shuji, okay?" She asks. "He's safe with Mocchi and Akashi," Rindo informs her. The seven of them look down at the bodies of the two brothers. "I don't see how you can marry a guy like that," Ran says. "He's more like an ex-girlfriend. Guy doesn't know when to quit." (Y/n) says next. 

Before the group can leave, a gunshot was heard. Ran and Sanzu stood in front of (Y/n) to protect her. The group saw that it was Eddie. He was bleeding all over his chest and limped as he walked closer to them. A crazed looked held in his eyes. "I KNEW THOSE IDIOTS COULDN'T WIN! THOSE LUNATICS! I'LL KILL YOU! 'LL KILL ALL OF YOU! I'LL SHOW-" Eddie was then cut off as a truck burst through the wall and ran him over. "Be a good dog and stay down," Issac said. "Issac!" (Y/n) smiled in joy to see her friend still alive. Issac got out of the truck and held onto her. "I swore my life to you. I will do anything to protect you." Issac tells her. "Don't get sentimental now. You're not dying today, my friend. C'mon, let's go home." (Y/n) told him. 


After that day, the group went back to their semi-normal life. Though with a few changes. "Mikey, we mustn't be late for your own friend's wedding." (Y/n) called out to him. "I don't know if this is a good idea," Mikey says as he felt uncertain about seeing his old friends after twelve years. "Nonsense, everything is going to be alright. They still love and care for you. They're still your friends that you made since childhood." (Y/n) told him and softly kissed his lips. "I'd be so lost without you," Mikey mutters to her. "Same here." She giggles. 

"It's not fair that Koko also gets to go." Ran frowns. "Maybe you should've made better friends back then." Koko stuck his tongue out at him. Rindo held Ran back before they would start another fight. As Mikey and (Y/n) came down the stairs, Koko went to grab her other hand. "Lovely as always, my jewel," Koko tells her. "Mine." Mikey pouts as he pulls (Y/n) a bit closer. "Mikey, you have to learn how to share." (Y/n) tells her man-child lover. 

At the wedding, (Y/n) felt happy to see her lovers reunite with their childhood friends. They had to lie a bit about what they did as a living, but Bonten also did a little less illegal activities. All for the safety of themselves and their friends. Soon (Y/n) married Mikey, Kakucho, Kokonoi, Ran, Rindo, and Sanzu. Different days of course, it would be too troublesome if they had to share the same anniversary and wedding.

However, a new surprise was coming their way.


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