Introductions and warnings

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Hello! Please, call me Moon! It's nice to meet you all, and I hope we all get along. As stated in the books name and description, this is about my experiences with the creepypastas. For convenience, I'll be shortening creepypasta to CrPs.

This book will contain my thoughts, dreams, and overall experiences, as well as maybe a bit of research and other stuff. And if course, questions of any kind is fine and encouraged, as well as any other feedback you  have. However, I won't put up with comments about how they're fake, or how I'm stupid for believing in them, and these comments will be deleted.

I have friends that will help with this book as well, and their dreams may be in here as well as my own.

Now, after all that, there's a few warnings:

A lot of creepypasta books you see will be fake, such as books that contain content about having the CrPs cuddle or talk with the author, and yes, these books exist, though, these may have been made just to make fun of those who make genuine books.

Dreams will be included in this book, including any dreams with violence and other things like that. If that makes you uncomfortable, please do not read those chapters, which will be titled as "Dream #" to make them easier to spot.

From what we have experienced, me and my friends have found that the CrPs tend to be more active in the winter or colder months, though we don't know why. It may be that it gets dark sooner, or rather that it stays dark longer, however we don't know.

This chapter may change as the book progresses, but for now, this is all.
I'll be glad to hear your feedback. Goodnight.

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