Dream, #7

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I had a dream. I was in my living room, originally standing near the whiteboard we have when my 2ds, which was for some reason hanging up, fell down (not the entire thing, the part that held the game in it fell off). I picked it up, wondering how it got so far away. Then when I turned in my dream, there was a piece of paper or large tarp hanging on the ceiling somehow with proxy marks covering the entirety of it. My brother had come down the stairs and asked what the hell was going on. Doors were opening and closing, weird noises. I remember thinking in the dream that I couldn't let my family know about who these people were, even though they never physically showed up. I remember thinking that it was masky, hoodie and Ben. I had grabbed my box cutter, and I was waiting to use it on someone if need be when I woke up

That's all for now, goodnight.

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