a spell, #3

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This spell is intended to allow you to speak with eyeless jack. EJ is one of the more elusive CrPs and therefore harder to contact, though I believe it to be possible.

Ingredients: candles, paper, pen, voice, 8pm-6am

Preferably, two blue candles should be used, though any colour candles can be utilized. These should be sat to both sides of you, lit up of course. It must be between 8pm-6am as well. In front of you, a piece of paper should sit, as well as a pen. The paper can be blank or lined, It doesn't matter. After meditating for at least two or three minutes, uncap the pen and place the tip at the middle of the paper and close your eyes. You shouldn't lift your hand from the paper at anytime during the spell. While your eyes are closed, speak and start moving your pen. Again, don't take your pen off the paper. This can be said as many times as needed.

"I summon you here, mask, scalpel and all. Eyeless jack, hear this call. Quick footed and silent you run; knowing the night has just begun."

After speaking, you may open your eyes and close the pen. Whatever ended up on your paper, you'll want to keep. Either fold it and put it under your pillow, put the same pattern on your hand using marker, or both.

I am unsure how this spell will work. As always, be respectful and don't bring up his past.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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