ages, months, etc

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These are things I see a lot in research books that make me annoyed so have a chapter.

A lot of these research books I see have this chart thing that apparently tells you at what age you're most likely to be stalked and watched, and same thing with months.

This isn't the case however, because you can be stalked and watched at any age, from baby to elder, especially if you're a researcher. They often watch them if they find any information that may be critical to their location and/or personal information.

There is no age where they'll only stalk, or they'll only give you dreams. That isn't real.

Another thing, the whole months thing. The closest thing I can think of is that I've found that they're more active during the winter months. That's probably because the days are shorter and the nights are longer, and more people are in their homes. Other than that, there aren't specific months they're more active either.

The danger scale. The danger scale isn't something you should rely on to tell you how bad your symptoms are. As everyone has different symptoms or reacts to those symptoms differently, this scale isn't at all correct.

The Slender Sickness. The sickness happens on different levels, and it's more dangerous to some than others. However, Slender Sickness is also similar to radiation poisoning. Please, if you have symptoms, don't immediately assume it's Slender.

Summonings. Summonings can work, however they don't always work. If they don't feel like showing up, then they won't. Maybe they just want to toy with you and create weird noises, maybe they just really don't want to interact with anyone. That doesn't mean all summonings don't work, you just have to be patient.

There are no proxy or pasta trials. If he wants to use you as one, he'll take you. There's no escaping him. He'd know if anyone is worth taking, and if he takes you, either you'll be dead or you'll become one of them. There's no way to make yourself one of them.

I didn't think I'd have to say this again, but sxcp isn't real. They are not real creepypastas. CrPs wouldn't own a Wattpad account and try "reaching out" to people and telling them what goes on in their lives.

If you have any questions, please ask. That's all for now, goodnight.

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