Respecting the CrPs

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One important aspect of summoning, contacting, or generally giving offerings to the CrPs is giving them respect.

As a lot of people don't think before they try to talk to the CrPs, they end up saying something they truly shouldn't, something that may end up getting themselves killed.

Respecting the CrPs includes not bringing up their pasts or any traumatic event they've been though or may have been through, such as the deaths of loved ones or bullying.

They are people like me and you, meaning they too have feelings, and if you think something you want to say to them might make them mad, it's best not to say it at all. Imagine someone you don't even know, someone unfamiliar, bringing up past trauma that you've been through. Surely you too would be mad if they intentionally brought up the topic, knowing it might annoy them or bring unpleasant memories up.

Examples of this is stuff like mentioning Ben's death or his father, or Jeff's old bullies, as well as other stuff similar to that.

Always think before you speak, no matter who you're speaking with.

That's all for now, and I'd appreciate any feedback or questions you have. Goodnight!

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