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A fairy, also called fay, fae, fey, fair folk, and fairy, is a type of mythical being or legendary creature found in the folklore of multiple European cultures, including cultures such as Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, English, and French folklore. They're often described as metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural.

Various theories about the origins of faeries include casting them as either demoted angels or demons in Christian traditions, or as deities in pagan belief systems; as spirits of the dead, or as spirits of nature.

A recurring motif of legends about faeries is the need to ward off fairies using protective charms such as church bells, wearing clothes inside out, and four leaf clovers.
There are both malevolent and benevolent faeries.

Common rules for the fae:
1. Never say thank you. This admits debt to them.
2. Don't give them your real name. This gives them power over you.
3. Don't accept food or drink from them. This can trap you in their world.
4. Don't mention newborns around them. You may end up with a changeling.
5. Don't lie. Fae aren't fond of people who lie to them.
6. Always keep your promises. Promises are sacred to the fae.
7. There are almost always strings attached when it comes to fae.
8. Don't brag about any blessings a faerie may have given you.
9. Don't be a snoop or try to figure out a faeries name, respect their privacy.
10. No iron. Iron weakens a faerie, and isn't something you want around if you're trying to communicate with them.
11. Don't say sorry. This also admits debt to them and gives them power over you.
12. Be polite.
13. Don't step on faerie rings. These are rings of mushrooms that may appear, and stepping on them or messing with them is disrespectful.
14. Leave offerings for them, and they may do the same.

Offerings you can leave them include things like:
- food, like pastries and fresh bread.
- jewelry, like beads.
- alcohol.
- flowers, leaves, and bones.
- pretty stones and other natural things.
- fresh water.

You can also leave other things, but these are the more common items to offer them. They may bring you gifts or blessings, but never eat the food they bring or drink anything they give you.

I'm not the most well versed when it comes to the fae, so if I left anything out, please kindly let me know.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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