an experience, #3

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This is my sister statICJiNXXX 's writing of the experience i had:

"It’s persistent, it’s usually active with you at night, for you late night I’m pretty sure? It was somehow able to get into your settings, it wouldn’t/won’t let you sleep. It apparently tends to like getting close to you, this time being in your face and the other beside you. I’m guessing whatever it is, it causes paranoia, nausea, headaches and the other symptoms I gotta look at again. It seems to be able to make your electronics or just your phone act up. So far, whenever it talks it talks in a whisper. It tends to sound playful in general from what you’ve experienced so far. It makes your tinnitus get louder when it’s around. Whatever it is has shown to be malicious in a way, if not all the way.

Symptoms you’ve had so far:

° headache
° earache, beeping sound
° paranoia
° voices, saying name and nickname
° panic attacks"

It was this whispering again, just repeating 'hey'. My phone also started typing by itself and trying to open up, and it somehow opened settings up without typing in my password.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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