The use of spells

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Spells and magic are widely used for things related to the CrPs, however, there are some things you need to know if you're thinking of trying some spells out.


Magic can be extremely dangerous, especially for those who have never before used a spell. There are specific spells, often called protection spells, that can help keep you protected, or at least somewhat protected from the dangers of magic. These spells don't last forever, but they're quite easy to use, with often no ingredients or anything complicated to them.

Sigils and symbols:

Sigils and symbols can help make a spell easier to do, or make it easier to call upon a specific God, Goddess, or entity. There are different symbols and sigils for different people. Symbols and sigils are often carved into candles and other spell related items to increase the chance of a spell working.

Moon cycles:

The moon cycle can play an important role in spellcasting, though it's not always used. In some spells, a certain time of the month is required for the best chance to work, and a lot of these spells are made to be used on the full or new moon. Again, this is not required, just used for a better chance of a spell working.


Oftentimes, a spell will ask you to use certain ingredients. These can include herbs, coloured candles, and more like that. Certain herbs are used for certain things, and certain coloured candles help with certain things, though not all spells use these. A white candle substitutes for any other coloured candle, and is helpful if you don't have the colour required. Herbs in spells are often burned, so please do be careful with that.


Summonings are spells used to try and summon an entity, as stated in the name. These might not work, but it also depends on who does the spell, as sometimes the entity may not want to show up, and chooses to stay away. This can be because they don't like what was offered, they're busy, or because they might not like the person doing it. That's are dangerous spells, and I recommend that kf you do one, you use protection spells first.

Dream spells:

As said in their name, dream spells are spells used to get someone to enter your dream, wether it be a person or a specific entity. These are some of the least dangerous, though also mentally taxing spells, as whatever happens in the dream you often cannot control. In the dreams, you could be stabbed, shot, or attacked in general, especially if the entity did not want to be disturbed. A lot of people believe that if you die in a lucid dream, you die in real life, be careful doing a dream spell.


Offerings differ from person to person. Some gods or goddesses may want something that relates to them, but this is not always the case. I do think it is best to give them something related to what they're the god of, as this works most often. Doing this is *usually* not dangerous.

Harm spells:

I recommend you don't even try them. These are some of the most dangerous spells out there, and there could be dire consequences for your actions. Most of the time, they do not work, however there are spells that do. Whatever you do to a person will come back around to you.

Magical items:

It is possible to enchant, for lack of a better word, certain items such as necklaces and bracelets to help in everyday life or spell making. These can be enchanted with protection spells or certain other spells such as simple connection spells.

Connection spells:

These spells help keep you and someone else connected. You will oftentimes feel when something bad is going to happen, either to them or you, and it works both ways. However, both of you must have done the spell or have an enchanted item for this to work, and even after all that, it might fail.

Making spells:

This depends on what kind of spell you're trying to make, from protection spells to dream spells, no two are the same. There are books that show you how to make spells, and I might make a chapter myself on how to do it.


An athame is a ritual knife, used for aid in casting spells, almost as a wand of sorts. They traditionally have black handles, and are usually double-edged. As with any other knife, they are dangerous. Be careful if you use one.

That's all for now, and I'd appreciate any feedback or questions you have. Goodnight.

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