"Puppet strings"

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I have been made aware of a YouTube channel by the name of "Puppet strings". From what I've seen, they make videos about creepypasta "facts" that a lot of people believe. They are a smaller YouTuber, with one of their most viewed videos being around 600k views, or from what I've seen, and they have around 48k subscribers. Heres the problem.

Strings' videos are obviously random facts they found online and have not really checked or asked others about, and one of their videos, the first one I saw, was "10 gay creepypastas". Now of course, this is fake. For no reason would a CrP tell someone their sexuality unless they really trusted them, and of course there could be so bad memories attached to that topic as well.

Another thing is their (one of their?) Jane videos. Strings claims that Jane is colourblind.
Of course there is no way to know if she is or not, but that's exactly my point. No one would know that unless Jane specially told them, and again, if you weren't extremely close to the CrPs, she would have no reason to tell a potential victim that.

Also, Strings states no sources of information most of the time, and when they do, it's usually.. really dumb to put it simply.

For example, in one of their smile dog videos, they're trying to prove that smile is a Siberian husky. They state that this is proven because of a video of a husky or possibly a malamute running across a street before a homicide was recorded. They then went on to state, word for word "like most footage it has either been destroyed or something happened to it. Since the case is still cold turkey, the footage is not public domain." Then stating that she cannot show the footage.

They also talk about "proxy trials". If proxy trials exist, none of us would know exactly what these trials consist of, and it's extremely unlikely they actually do exist at all.

Another thing is one of her Sally videos. It states that Sally's full name is "Selena Gurtrude Williams". However, from what we know, her full name is Sally Maryam Williams. This video also states that sally and BEN are siblings. They are not, however, and aren't even related. Strings says, “Did I mention Ben? Oh sorry, I probably gave it away. Surprisingly Sally is Ben’s sister, however when Ben’s father's wife left him, he didn’t want the baby girl that was dumped on him.”

Another video is "an interview" with an "actual pasta" that they stated reached out to them. The pasta went by the apparent name of the killer quill. They stated that this pasta reached out through an email at first. "at 3:15 I heard a knock on the door
It was a woman with feathers in her hair. She described herself as 'the killer quill' and quoted the email word for word" Strings then went on to say that this was not fake or staged. They then have "quill" come in for an interview in which you can hear quills voice. Ngl, quill sounds like a typical Disney villain.

These all sound like headcannons more than anything else. I'm not sure if Strings is a joke channel or not.

This is just to show how all the facts from here are most likely random made up facts or things she thought were connected to the CrPs, but really they aren't.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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