what is the slender sickness

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The Slender Sickness is a sickness that comes on when you're being stalked by Slenderman. Different people have different symptoms and different experiences with it, and the degree of the sickness can vary.

The symptoms:

- fevers
- amnesia
- nose bleeds
- nausea
- exhaustion
- paranoia
- coughing
- vomiting
- coughing or vomiting up blood
- radiation poisoning

The fevers are usually not too bad, however if your body heats up to much it could be fatal.

Amnesia is a common symptom, with a lot of people experiencing it, especially researchers. This can range from slight amnesia, forgetting small, almost meaningless things, to mild amnesia, and forgetting bigger things like names and faces.

Nose bleeds are another common symptom, and is often the most experienced one. It's usually mild nose bleeds, though I'm sure the severeness can vary as well.

Nausea includes being dizzy, confused, and can lead to vomiting and passing out. This is dangerous if you're somewhere higher up, or if you hit your head on something, so it's one of the more dangerous symptoms.

Exhaustion can be from restless sleep, often caused by the dreams that Slenderman can cause, sleep paralysis and night terrors. These often cause exhaustion and paranoia. Exhaustion is dangerous as well, especially if you're driving or going about your day on little to no sleep.

Paranoia. Oftentimes you'll feel watched and jump at the slightest sounds. This can also cause panic attacks.

Coughing and vomiting can be singular symptoms, or come together. They're mild and nothing to worry too much about. However if you start seeing blood after coughing or puking, see a doctor. Only if they can't find what's wrong, can you think about it being the Slender Sickness.

There of course could be more, but these are the ones I know of. Now, if you have these symptoms, don't immediately assume it's from Slenderman. Check with your doctor, especially if you're coughing or puking up blood. If I missed any, please let me know and I'll add it.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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