what (not) to do

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This chapter will be about multiple things: What to do and not to do when making and doing spells, how to up the chance of a spell working, how to tell if a spirit is with you, the consequences of doing spells, and a bit more.

First, when making a spell, you should consider how you feel about it. Do you acknowledge that the spell might not work? Do you feel happy with how the spell has turned out? The more you believe in the spell, the better the chance of the spell working. Another thing you could do is making sure that the room you do the spell in is relatively clean, and free of anything that might somehow trigger a CrPs bad memories. Though I also recommend keeping something nearby to protect yourself.

However, there are things you should also not do. A lot of spells require you to anger the CrPs, such as the (very few) spells for Liu. This isn't a good idea, and if they show up at all, you could end up either extremely hurt or killed. If you were thinking of making a spell that would anger them, don't.

The CrPs didn't have good lives, and making them angry is the first way to get yourself killed.

Next topic: dreams.

Every dream means something, and that thought should be your first when you wake up from one. Certain dreams mean certain things of course. If the background of the dream is black, and someone is standing in front of the void like background, that usually means they want you to focus on them, and only them. Maybe they want to talk to you, maybe they were curious. Whatever reason they came to you, you have to focus on the feeling the dream gave you as well. Did the person in the dream feel friendly? Malicious? Could you not tell? Often if they feel friendly, they might have come just to talk, or to observe you from curiosity, and you most likely won't have to worry about them. If the dream felt malicious, your first thought should be to do a protection spell. A malicious person or spirit is not something you want to deal with. They could easily hurt you if you don't protect yourself.

Maybe the dream felt confused, in a way? Perhaps the person, or animal, in the dream needs help, or wants you to find them. It's a possibility they want you to summon them so they can speak with you, or perhaps they just need the comfort of someone else's presence? Always be considerate of them as well.

If an animal repeatedly shows up in a dream, there's a chance that the animal could be your familiar. And no, they aren't always wolves, or cats, or some big, majestic beast. Sometimes they're crows, spiders, deer, otters, or any other animal. Familiars are a witches best friend, and they can help with spells as well as telling you if something bad is nearby. They all have different personalities as well. Some are playful, some are lazy, some are curious, so keep that in mind as well. Most of the time, if you have one, your familiar will come to you, however there are ways to contact it first. Those won't be in this chapter though. These familiars might stick around forever, some might not, it's different for every person.

Next, the consequences of doing spells. This means doing spells that may be harmful to someone else. These spells often have dire consequences, especially spells meant to kill. Doing spells like this could harm you instead. They could also drain you of energy extremely quickly. The more harmful a spell is to someone, the more of a chance you will be hurt.

Another topic: how to tell if a spirit is near you. Spirits, wether good or bad, have certain telltale signs to tell you if they're nearby. Some might be easier to tell, like throwing things around or making loud noises. Some may scratch you to get your attention, or some may whisper. The air around you might get suddenly colder. Ghosts and spirits have certain auras to them as well. This means you can (probably) easily tell if they're nice or not. Of course, every case is different. Sometimes the presence feels mean, sometimes they feel like they're friendly. Maybe they want to talk or interact with you, and sometimes they want to be left alone, but there is one rule you should always follow:

Don't use a Ouija board.

Sure, they allow you to talk to spirits and the like, but they are also extremely dangerous and might let something bad in.

They are NOT something you should mess with.

The next chapter will most likely be on witches. That's all for now, goodnight.

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