Making spells

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Everyone makes spells differently, and no two spells are the same, so I'll try my best here to explain a simple way to make spells.

Do remember that this won't always work, but it never hurts to try and experiment with making spells.

First, what kind of spell are you making? A dream spell? A summoning? Pick what kind you feel jumps out to you the most.

Next, why are you making that spell? Are you curious, is it for entertainment? Either way, you must always remember that you will be talking to a real person or entity, and therefore must be respectful to them. No bringing up any hurtful things that may have happened in their past, and no insulting them or their loved ones.

Is there a certain time the spell needs to be done? A certain place? Having neither is perfectly fine.

Does this spell need any ingredients? A candle, perhaps some other things? Does it require sigils or symbols to be used? While some spells don't need any items, summonings often do. They might have items like candles, and something to represent who you want to try and summon or contact. (summonings and contact spells are different, but that will be touched up in a later chapter).

Does the spell need a chant? Oftentimes, spells like dream spells won't have chants at all, since they're not truly required for them to work.

I know it's a bit hard to understand, so I'll lay this out for a bit of help, I hope.

Type of spell: dream spell.

Why I'm making it: to help people understand how to make spells easier.

No certain time or place.

Ingredients: A marker of any colour, optionally a candle can be used.

No chant is needed.

Symbol: the proxy symbol.

Instructions: draw the proxy symbol on the palm of your dominant hand in marker. You'll want to sit and visualize the person you want to appear in your dreams for about 30 seconds to a minute. After that point, if you had a candle burning, blow it out. Of course afterwards, you go to sleep, so it's best to do this spell just before bed.
The spell above is not a spell I made, though if any requests are made, I can ***try** to make a few, however I can't guarantee they will work. This is just a spell I found that works for me.

That's all for now. Goodnight, and happy new years!

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