a spell, #2

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There isn't much you need for this spell except your voice, as well as a nice, quiet and peaceful space. I recommend you do this at night, when no one is around, though under certain conditions you may allow someone else to do the spell with you. These conditions will be listed below. This spell is to get in contact with x-virus. 

As stated above, in certain conditions, you may have someone else with you. These include having Cody himself give permission to do so, and if you have both (and no more than two, unless its an emergency), had dreams of him within the period of a week.

Onto the spell; all you need is your voice.

"If you wish to communicate, I welcome you to do so, wether this be face-to-face or in a dream."

This can be said however many times you need to, or feel like.  As with all CrPs, be nice and respectful. If he wishes to be called x-virus instead of Cody, or vice versa, listen to him. If he wishes to leave, allow him to do so. If he doesn't appear, he may show up in a dream.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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