a spell, #1

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This spell is meant to summon the CrPs, but not the proxies. First, we'll start with a bit of information:

This is not meant to summon the proxies, nor is it meant to be anything but a simple dream spell. As a warning, even if it is only a dream, you still shouldn't anger them; you can feel pain in dreams, and it's not fun.

So, let's get started.


Two candles, paper, a marker, voice.

Time: 6pm-6am.


It's best to do this while sitting at a desk. You should sit in a seat that's near the middle of the desk or table, with the piece of paper sitting directly in front of you. To your left and right should be the candles, lit of course, and to your right should be the marker. These candles and the marker can be any colour you wish them to be. (also be careful not to set anything on fire.)

After lighting both of the candles, grab the marker and draw the proxy symbol in the middle of the paper, as well as on your palm (it doesn't matter which hand it's on), before resting the marker back on the other side.

Next, you should take a deep breath and set your marked hand on the paper, setting it on the symbol as you close your eyes and imagine who you want to contact.

After this point, you may open your eyes and speak, and you can use your phone to help you remember the words as well.

"(Creepypasta of your choice) I ask to speak to you. With this contact, no harm shall be done to either side. Thank you."

Since this is a dream spell, you should do this before going to sleep, and hope for the best. You should also be respectful to them and not bring up anything that may anger, hurt or annoy them.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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