just some tips

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Since I'm not having many experiences as of late, here are just some tips for you to read.

1. When trying to astral project, having a colder room seems to help.

2. Also with astral projection, being under a blanket in a dark room helps focus, especially when it's quiet.

3. When dealing with ouija boards, be extremely respectful and try not to provoke anything. If it says to leave or stop, stop. Always say hello and goodbye.

4. Slenderman doesn't always immediately attack. He watches. If you want him to stop, make yourself uninteresting; stop researching, stop talking about him. This isn't a guarantee, though.

5. Mirrors can be dangerous. If you use one to do a spell, especially to summon something, keep it covered afterwards.

6. Don't stare into a mirror for too long. You might see something you shouldn't.

7. If you have dreams, any that seem weird, write them down, they could be important.

8. If you have dreams of the CrPs hurting you, be more aware for a while, they night be playing with your mind.

9. Never say never; whatever you think isn't possible can happen, and it could happen to you.

10. Acknowledge that using magic to curse someone may have consequences. Whatever you give you shall receive.

11. When doing summoning spells, remember: if they don't like you or the environment they were summoned too, they wont come.

12. Don't annoy any entities. If you do, don't complain when you get hurt.

13. Some of the CrPs are more friendly than others (Ben, Cody, Helen), if you're still practicing magic, start with them. Keep in mind that they are still dangerous.

14. When experimenting with opening doors to other worlds, do protection spells first.

15. Don't stay in a different world for long; it could change you.

16. Same for astral projection. It's dangerous; only do it if you're sure you're ready.

17. If you think a spell is too much of a challenge for you, don't do it.

18. Don't wander into abandoned places without realizing it's dangerous.

19. If you need to hide your magic for some reason, hide it in drawings, or on the backs of posters or drawings hung on the wall.


Thats all for now, tell me if you want any specific tips and I'll see what I can do. Goodnight.

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