dreams, #5

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I had three dreams last night, all in rapid succession.

1. I was laying on my bed in the dream, my head under my blankets, all warm. In the corner of my room is two garbage bags that have some of my clothes in them, and they hadn't been moved in a while. Nothing was over there, yet, they started to rustle and shake, and suddenly, Smile climbed on top of them, staring at me. His fur was patchy, that weird red and black mix, but he wasn't a husky like everyone depicts him as. He had the head, albeit larger, of a Dachshund, and the body of a German Shepard. He seemed to change, though, into some larger, fluffier dog, still with thag red and black fur. It was less patchy, though. I think it was a Samoyed. I shouldn't have been able to see him while under that blanket, but I could. His smile is so unnerving, and those eyes that stare at you.. he was staring at me, watching me as I woke up.

2. I was in my house in this dream, watching as asteroids began to strike the Earth. I sat, on my porch, watching them for a while longer before coming inside, where my dad and brother reprimanded me for watching it happen and not hiding. Then, suddenly, I was in a school. Some weird creatures, thin and way too human like were attacking the kids inside. Teachers were trying to herd the kids away and to safety, while others ran through the halls. I ran down the hallway, and when I got downstairs, despite not seeing a set of stairs, I entered the gym, where a bunch of girls were eating pizza like everything was normal. I woke up after that.

3. Everything seemed normal at first, but there were these people in this dream. They had told me that something had escaped and was chasing after me specifically. They didnt say why. I was suddenly outside, where it was raining, running through town and onto bridges until I came to a forest. I remember the rake chasing me, and no matter how far I ran, he wouldn't leave me alone. I woke up after jumping from a bridge in the dream.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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