past experiences

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I know, it's my third chapter in one day, but I've actually got time to write.

This will just be a list of what has happened to me before, and, since I tell her all my experiences, statICJiNXXX  if I leave something out, please remind me.

1. I had done a spell to try and summon Ben, and was using my phone to do so. My phone turned black and white, shut down, and returned to regular once I got done with the spell.

2. Of course, I have to add the random noises; knocking, tapping, voices, and others like footsteps and laughs.

3. Every once in a while, shadows, humanoid shadows, might appear, but they disappear just as quick. I'm not sure why they're there.

4. Dreams, a lot of dreams. In a recurring dream I have, which usually happens once a month, I'll be laying or sitting on my bed, just staring at the corner of my room, where Slenderman will be standing, just staring back. There was also a dream of Ben I had, where he walked up to me, tried handing me something (this was a while ago, I can't remember exactly what happened), and then looked confused, after which I woke up. I had ome dream where I was shot by Hoodie, in which I could feel the pain directly, as if it had actually happened, and the pain disappeared when I woke up.

4. Paranoia, and the feeling of being watched.

5. Random glitches on electronics, such as sentences that were typed being deleted, and as mentioned earlier, the electronic somehow turning black and white, despite not having a setting for it.

This is just off the top of my head, and I can't remember any others at the moment.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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