people faking experiences

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This chapter is from both me and my sis, so we could make a larger chapter about sxcp, and faking experiences in general.

We'll start with people faking their experiences. statICJiNXXX has sent me books that are so ridiculous it's hard to believe people think they're real. Of course there are those over the top books that claim things like that the author is consistently in contact with or in a relationship with the CrPs/proxies. (jinx: "omg hoodie was cuddling me in bed!")

Of course there's the possibility that these books are made as jokes to make the people who actually believe in the CrPs look bad, as this happens in every community, but its better to be safe than sorry. There are ways to tell if a book is fake of course.

(Jinx: things like when it {books} put unrealistic scenarios that that CrPs wouldn't do irl. Ex. Cuddling, kissing the author, etc, i guess those are the intimate unrealistic scenarios. What about you?)

Like jinx said, having the CrPs preform actions they wouldn't normally do is a telltale sign that a book is fake. What also helps is spotting things that aren't CrP related in a book. Putting mundane things like a car honking into their experiences and saying it was CrP related, stuff like that. (jinx: "omg guys! I saw a person staring at me after I randomly did a cartwheel in front of everyone, they have to be a CrP/proxy!") Books that aren't well written as well, though it may be that the author isn't English speaking, so you have to be careful assuming. Books trying to hard or books being overly edgy as well.

Examples of this are people like sxcp or puppet strings. These two are just examples because they are some of the bigger ones.

For both, they have YouTube channels, which is something a CrP wouldn't do. (puppet strings isn't claiming to be a CrP, but sxcp is).

Sxcp also has merch, which, again, no CrP or proxy would do something like that. They have an Instagram and Wattpad where they post "facts" and random edgy posts. (Jinx: one being "you're dead to me. I will not forgive. I will never be sorry. I will destroy what ails me. You are dirt beneath my shoes. I am vengeance and I'm coming. For you. Your cruelty will not go unrewarded. -t")

For puppet strings, they say things that don't align with anything logical ("the dog was a husky running away from a crime scene, it had to be smile")

Anything you read should always be taken with a grain of salt. This was just a chapter we wanted to make because it annoys us both.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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