things you should know

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These are a few things that everyone should know about the CrPs or about summoning them, and I will include their (apparent) behavior as well.

First, if they don't show up when you try to summon then, think about what you might be doing wrong. What spell did you do? Were you sure it was going to work? Perhaps you just didn't notice it worked? Some spells won't work, of course, but there are different reasons as to why it didn't work. Maybe it's a spell that didn't work for you. Different spells work for different people, so while it might work for someone else, that doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you. Another thing, who are you trying to summon? And why? Certain CrPs might not show up, while some might. A few more things that might affect the chance of a spell working are environment and your experience with doing spells. Does anyone want to show up to a messy room? Be careful with what spells you do as well, and don't do spells that may anger the CrPs, that's really not a good idea.

Also, don't summon them over and over within a short period of time, they won't respond if you do.

For individual CrPs:


Jeff is known to be playfully malicious, often playing around with his victims mental states before ultimately killing them. Of course, he also won't like fangirls, and again, he doesn't like people thinking he's going to look like some anime boy, that's not how that works. Doing a protection spell before trying to summon him, dream or otherwise, is suggested. Also remember that him and Smile might appear together, and they will not hesitate to hurt someone.


Ben is a good CrP to start with if you've just started trying to summon or contact them. He's a bit more passive than most of the others, and is easier to communicate with as well, since he can be talked to through electronics (I will be finding spells that work for me and putting them here, with credit, so if you want to try some spells, they will be out here soon). He can be friendly, but remember, he's a killer, and provoking him ks not a good idea. Again, he's not some anime boy and will not put up with fangirls.

Eyeless Jack:

Ej is one of the more shy and secretive CrPs, and doesn't often show up for anyone, no matter what spell you do. If he does show up, you probably won't see him. The most you might get is some noise. It is more likely that he'll show up in dreams rather than irl. He's also extremely quiet and stealthy, so even getting a few sounds would be hard. As with the others, he won't put up with fangirls, and doing a protection spell is recommended.


Toby, like EJ, is more secretive. He does show up more often than EJ, but not as much as the others would. He does appear more in dreams than irl. If he does show up, you will hear his tics, but make sure to be respectful if he does, because death by hatchet doesn't seem like the best idea. Also don't fake disorders like schizophrenia, mania, tourettes, or any other diseases, this will be seen as making fun of him, and will make him angry.


Though I haven't had many experiences with Masky, from what I've heard, he is more friendly than some of the others. However, again, they are killers, he is not your friend, and has the ability to easily kill you. A protection spell is recommended, of course. Him and Hoodie might be seen together, but remember, both of them have been trained in stealth, though Masky might be the clumsier of the two.


Hoodie is one of the quieter CrPs, and really doesn't like being bothered. His weapon of choice is a gun, so if you anger him, there's a very low chance of survival, and doing a protection spell is suggested. He does show up more frequently in dreams than irl. Him and masky may be seen together, and Hoodie is the stealthier of the two, and rarely gets caught. If he does end up showing up, again, as with all the others, be respectful, he isn't some anime boy who will fall in love with you.

These are the most summoned CrPs, and there are others, of course, however, they have less information on them, so I'll have to look for more later.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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