things to look out for

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There are a lot of things you need to look out for when it comes to the CrPs. Thankfully, most of these are quite obvious, and ill put these into different categories.


There are a lot of different feelings you can look out for. Most of the time, nothing happens when you feel them, but it's still good to know about what they are. Of course it's worth knowing that some CrPs cause different things to happen, but feelings can be caused by any of them.

The feeling of being watched:

This feeling is probably one of the most common ones you can experience, and isn't anything to be afraid of. This feeling can happen at any time, especially when researching Slenderman, or any of the CrPs. It will often be followed by:

The feeling of being followed:

This feeling usually follows the feeling of being watched. Thankfully this feeling is only dangerous of you're outside in the public, in which you do want to be careful. If you're at home you should be safe. This feeling often also comes with a few other things, which we'll talk about more later.

The feeling that something bad is going to happen:

This feeling isn't as common as the others. You still don't have to be too concerned, although you do want to trust any gut feelings you may have. In my own experiences, the two times I felt this, there were bad gas leaks at my school, and I stayed home both days due to this feeling.

Deja Vu:

Deja Vu is often linked to dreams, or premonitions of sorts. In my own experiences, everytime I've had deja Vu, I've dreamt about the thing that happened. For example, I'd dream about a conversation, and when I woke up, I'd have the same conversation that I had in the dream.

The feeling something important has been forgotten:

This feeling for me has always been about dreams that I've had. For example I'll dream about something, forget it when I wake up, yet feel, or know that something is important from that dream, yet I'll never know what it was.

That's all the feelings I've experienced, onto:


There aren't too many sounds I've heard, other than taps, knocks, footsteps, and voices. They're not too important, but for voices, I'll always hear people say my name in a sort of whisper-yell, or say "hey!". I'll also hear scratching rarely, as if something is trying to get my attention. Not everyone will experience these, of course.


Of course there are a lot of different sights you may see as well. Like:

Shadow people:

Shadow people are usually seen out of the corners of your eyes. These aren't always dangerous, but they can be. For example, I'll tell a story my brother has experienced:

My brother and his girlfriend had been staying with us for the night, and were watching TV before bed. They were saying goodnight to each other, about to go to sleep, when my brothers girlfriend stopped and froze, staring at something behind him. When he turned, he said there was this "tall shadow man weaeing a top hat, I think". It had just stared at them, before running at them. He said they hid under some blankets, and a few minutes later, it was gone.


Slenderman often appears out of the corner of your eyes, or outside windows, almost as if taunting you. I found it gets worse when you look up anything about him, especially for me when I was researching an old lead about Yellowstone. It may be different for everyone, though. Along with Slenderman comes hallucinations that you may see, however these aren't dangerous. Another thing that causes hallucinations is Smile dog. I once had a dream with him, and afterwards saw him for about 4-6 hours after in random locations, after which it faded away.

For dream stuff you might want to look out for:


Colours in dreams can mean different things. Red often means anger, love, blood, hunger or hurt. Blue can mean peace, serenity, sadness and grief. Green can mean nature, health, luck, money, and envy. For yellow, it usually means joy, happiness, hope, and spontaneity. Purple means strength, transformation, power, and loyalty. Black means loss, death, mystery, and elegance. White usually means purity, cleanliness, and peacefulness, or the lack of anything.

That's all I can think of for now, so goodnight.

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