moon phases in magic

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Remember, some of this stuff won't work for everyone, so feel free to experiment with stuff to find what works for you!

First, the names of each months full moon:

Wolf moon/old moon (January)

Snow moon/storm moon (February)

Worm moon/death moon/sap moon (March)

Pink moon/egg moon/fish moon (April)

Flower moon/milk moon (may)

Strawberry moon/hot moon (June)

Buck moon/hay moon (July)

Sturgeon moon/grain moon/red moon (august)

Corn moon/barley moon (September)

Hunters moon/travel moon/dying grass moon (October)

Beavers moon/frost moon (November)

Cold moon/long night moon/oak moon (December)

Then why they're called that:

January's wolf moon is called that because of the scarcity of food wolves face during midwinter.

February's snow moon is named after the snowy days of the month.

March's worm moon is named after the worm trails that would appear in the newly thawed ground. 

April's pink moon is named after a species of early blooming wildflower.

May's flower moon is named after the flowers that start blooming during spring.

June's strawberry moon is named after the harvest of strawberries.

July's Buck moon is named after the time male deer start regrowing their antlers.

August's sturgeon moon is named after the species of fish that come out around this time.

September's corn moon is called so because this is when corn is regularly harvested.

October's hunters moon is named that because it's the preferred month to hunt deer.

November's beaver moon is called that because of the beaver activity that can be spotted during this month, though it's disagreed upon wether this is actually why the name came to be.

December's cold moon is named after the cold and winter.

Now what each phase means:

Dark moon or new moon: the new moon is a time of new beginnings, and used as a time for planting seeds and success.

Waxing crescent moon: the waxing crescent moon is when energies are more abundant, and an ideal time to do spells.

First quarter moon: the first quarter is used as a time to do magic that brings things in, as this is viewed as a 'magnetic'' moon phase.

Waxing gibbous moon: this moon phase is used for motivation and inspiration.

Full moon: the full moon is viewed as the most powerful stage of the moon. While spells can be done at any time, this is when they're at their best chances of working. Use this for any spells you want more successful chances on.

Waning gibbous moon: this is used as a time to preform magic of repelling, destroying or banishing what is unwanted.

Third quarter moon: this moon is used to overcome obstacles and luck spells.

Waning crescent moon: this moon is used to preform bigger banishments such as getting rid of anything that has been taking the joy out of life.

That's all for now, goodnight.

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