why none of us are CrPs

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I had to bring this topic up, as it has been bothering me for quite some time now.

A lot of people think that they are, have been, or are going to be chosen to be a proxy or pasta for The Slenderman, however, the truth is, none of us have or will be chosen.

Most of us anyway. If He finds someone he wants to take, it won't be one of us.

Most of the people saying this though are kids, so I don't blame them, of course.

Most of us here are researchers and summoners, we will not be chosen as a proxy or pasta, and we all know that.

So here's another thing, people saying they have the proxy mark from Him.

Slenderman isn't dumb, and leaving a mark could jeopardize a mission, especially stealth missions.

For example, if a proxy had been tasked with being stealthy, or blending into the crowd to get to or to talk to someone, what if the mark was accidentally spotted? That could ruin their chance of not being recognized, assuming most know what the mark is. Though, there is a chance that the mark would be mistaken for a random tattoo.

I suppose that's all for now, goodnight.

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