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November 17th, 2019

"Do you think he's mad at me ?" I asked Zareen as I bit my nails.

"Girl who knows what goes through a man's mind after being rejected."

"Bitch I need help."

"Calm down girl," She rolled her eyes, "Read the text again."

I woke up with a new message from Randal. Since I was skeptical about it, I called Zareen for some advices. She came to my place with ice cream and snacks.

I'm not mad. If that's what you feel and want then I'm cool with that. I didn't get on the website to find a lover but like I said I just thought you were different. But I don't want you to feel like you're being pressured into anything and that I'm going to fall back.

I'll try to call you later on today if I ever get a chance to.

Reading it makes me feel even more uncomfortable. His vibe has changed. The whole thing is different now.

"Look I'm going to be honest with you. I don't think he's mad but I believe he needs time to accept the situation. Maybe he thinks you're the love of his life." She added with a fake smile.

"Fuck you girl it's not funny !" I pouted. "I don't want to be the reason why he's sad."

"Well looks like you are. Deal with it."

I ignore her as I type my message.

Heeeey Randy :-)

Thanks for not being mad and understanding me. It means a lot. I really want us to be on the same page.

Anyway you asked for pictures and that's the perfect time for one because I just got my hair done :-) And yes please call if you can, I look forward to hearing your voice...

Muchos besos

"Do you think you could handle it ?" Zareen asked out of nowhere.

"Handle what ?"

"A long distance relationship."

"I don't know. Maybe."

"I think you could. You're too lazy to even get out."

"Well first I'm not lazy I just rather spend my energy on important things."

She rolled her eyes before licking some ice cream off her finger, "I wonder how people be sexually active in that situation."

"Girl ask Google."

At that moment, JPay indicates a new message.

"Damn he's quick."

"It's not Randal. It's Jermaine."

Her jaw dropped, "So you're telling me you're talking to two inmates at the same time ? Damn girl you're living like a super hoe for real."

"We're friends, Z. Just friends."

"Show me the guy."

She jumps on the sofa as I go on Jermaine's Instagram account. I can't help but to smile as I see his face again. Plus his shirtless top is nice to look at...Just like his tattooed chest and arms.

"He's cute. That's definitely your type."

She then looks for a movie on Netflix. As Don't breathe is playing on the TV, Jermaine and I exchange messages. He somehow manages to make me smile. This man is perfect.

December 7th, 2019
2 pm

My exams will start in a month from now and stress is growing. I don't like this moment of the semester simply because I get nervous and I lose weight.

Randal tried to call me a couple of times but it's either I wasn't available or panicked, which is pretty much ridiculous. I'm so nervous to hear his voice and finally talk to him in person. But I feel bad about it because his birthday is tomorrow and I'd like to get to talk to him before.

Hey Randy,  first I hope you'll see this before your special day. I know I haven't picked up your calls but I swear I'm not ignoring you, well actually I think of you a lot. The thing is every time you call I'm either busy or sleeping (due to the time difference). So if you can choose the time then can you call at around 1 pm your time please ? That would help !

After a long day of studies, I take a hot shower. Even if it's Saturday, I decide to stay at home tonight. I order sushis then I slump into the sofa to enjoy the night. After two episodes of Power, I pause and stretch a bit. But vibrations from under my blanket surprise me. It's an incoming call from America. I take a deep breath then I take the call.

This is a prepaid debit call from Randal Corey, an inmate at the * Department of Corrections. To accept this call press 0. To refuse this call hang up or press 1. To prevent calls for this facility, press 9.

The robotic voice stops. I just press 0.

"Hello ?" A deep voice said.

"Hi." I answered  with the most convincing voice I could.

"Hey Wendy ! It's good to finally hear you ! I got your message, you said you wanted to talk to me before my birthday ?" He chuckled. "How are you ?"

"Fine and you ?"

"I'm good. What are you doing ?"

"I'm watching Power. You know it ?"

"Yeah I know it. It's dope ! So... What do you do for a living ?"

"Well actually I'm a student in economics and management. But I hate college."

"Oh really ?" He seemed amused. "Why ?"

"I just don't like how it is. Like we're 200 people listening to a guy for two hours then he asks questions about whatever he said and the grade decides whether we pass or not."

"Damn I hate college too then." He said, making me chuckle. "You're funny." He added.

"Of course I am." I smiled as if he could see me.

"I love your British accent."

"What ? You're the one with an accent."

"Naaah we ain't having this conversation. There's no such thing as an American accent."

"Oh my God why are you lying ?"

He cleared his throat, "This is not a lie miss Wendy. Shall we discuss another matter ?"

I burst out laughing.

"This is insane ! I don't talk like that !"

"Yes you do and I like it." His voice got deeper. "I like your voice."

"Well thanks but that won't make me forget how you just mocked me."

"Oh little Wendy is resentful huh ?"

"I'm not little."

"I can tell by your face you're the short type baby girl."

I nervously bite my lip. Dear Lord what type of sexiness is this.

"But aye Wendy you're there ?"


"I have to go now but I'll call you tomorrow ok ?"

"Yeah I'll make sure to pick up."

"Alright talk to you later baby girl."

He hangs up and I just let myself fall on the couch. How can I let a man disturb me this way ? And since when do I stutter like that ? Agh I hate myself.

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