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February 8th, 2020

4 pm

You already make me smile, you're my favorite notification :-) And I'm glad that you love the truth because I'm a very bad liar lol. Thanks for the compliment and I'm sure you look even better in person :-) But what's the "American guys" thing about ?

Well Wendy I'm glad that I'm your favorite notification and that I can also put a smile on your face because you deserve it :-) As far as the compliments, I just feel like I should show you that type of attention. So let me explain the "American guy thing" at least from my perspective. I think African American men get credited for being very sexual and promiscuous and certain comments can be taken out of context, like sex is the only thing we're after or we can be a little aggressive and lack respect for women. That's one of the reasons why I moved slow when it came to you. I respect you but I'm also attracted to you intellectually and sexually and I didn't want my approach to be misunderstood so early on. They say first impressions are everything :-) And I didn't want to set a bad one. Ans speaking on your beauty, can you send me a few pictures please :-)

I sigh. He seems so perfect that it's getting boring. It cannot be real, like this man isn't real. Everything is perfect, from his attitude towards me to his vision and perspective of life and interactions with women.

But the thing is... Pictures. I can't even remember the last time I took a picture of myself. I've been feeling so low these days that I completely neglected myself. Well wel well.

10 pm

Thanks for explaining your point of view, I completely understand and I can only commend that. You do leave a good impression on me :-) And I do like you taking the time to share your thoughts because well it's no surprise that I hate being rushed, it literally makes me run away lol. And do you mind If I send some pictures later ?

February 9th, 2020


So you're telling me that taking my time with you can net the best results... I do know that you can never rush a woman and you also have to allow them to move at their own pace. If the impression I'm leaving on you is good then I'll just continue to move the same :-) I want you to run closer not further :-) And whenever you're ready or have time then babe go ahead and send pictures, I'm not gonna rush you lol.


Believe it or not, I spent the day thinking of Randal. It gets me so frustated that the guy doesn't even send one message to say "Yo let's stop talking now, I'm done". I would feel better. I cannot stand being ghosted. I don't ghost people. I explain what's up and then I decide what to do. 

I know Zareen would probably tell me that I have a crush on the guy and well she would not be lying. Of course there is something. Every time I hear his voice I feel so nervous, but a positive anxiety. The butterflies in your stomach type of shit. Ugh just don't ghost me for God's sake.

Helloooo papi, remember me ?? Just asking cause you don't hit my line no more sooo I'm just checking... Are you okay ? I need a whole update of your life at this point.

Wendy Ashley Green, you are a mess.

February 11th, 2020

Thanks for understanding me, Jay :-) You do know how to speak to women, which is rare for guys your age so I was wondering... Did you have a girlfriend ?

I like to think I can understand women lol but to be real with you, my mom just raised me to be a gentleman and my big sister used to be on me real tough so I had to catch on quick and treat women right :-) But to answer your question Wendy, yes I did have a girlfriend. She actually was my highschool sweet heart and first love, she hung around for all of about 3 months when I got locked up then she disappeared and when she resurfaced she was pregnant. I was hurt but I knew I had to move on and also it showed she wasn't loyal to me so I've realized she wasn't for me. That was my last relationship and I've been doing this time all by myself wich even led me to getting on the site. I believe love is in everyone's future and we just have to be patient and wait on cupid to strike lol.

Well your mom did a great job :-) But on a serious note, my perspective on how to raise a boy changed with the birth of my little brother. It made me realize how complicated it is to raise a man-to-be and since I want to have boys, everything is helpful.

Now about your ex, I understand that you were hurt and idk how all this happened, like did she tell you she wanted a break etc. But as a girl, I kind of understand her attitude, not letting you down but like... I know this situation is hard to live for the guy but if my boyfriend is being locked up and if our relationship is not so serious (like we're not talking about marriage, having kids, etc) then idk if I would wait. If it's a real thing and not just a fling then yes I would stay... Just saying I understand both sides. But I assume going through all this alone is tough so lucky you I'm here now :-) And love... love is complicated lol.

February 12th, 2020

You're right, there is two sides to every story and as far as my ex, we were pretty serious at the time. But at the same time, we didn't really talk about kids, like "let's have them now". It was more hypothetical, as in our future some time. Everyone is entitled to live their own life but she was leading me on as if it was an "us" fight. I respect honesty 100% but she didn't give me that. But enough of that lol I'm a stronger person from doing this time alone and I've learned so much about myself which has allowed me to mature. Just know I do respect your honesty on how you would deal with being in that situation.  

Now let's talk about love :-) So babe what makes it complicated ? From the little pieces I can grab from your messages, you sound like you know what you want. You spoke on having kids and you know that you want a boy. So what is the ideal age for you when it comes to marriage and kids if you don't mind me asking :-) And I'm glad that I do now have you, it really does make a difference and I would say I'm pretty lucky too :-)

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