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November 2nd, 2019
8 pm

I've been playing Goutte d'eau by Ninho for over an hour now. After another ten minutes I open Twitter to scroll on my feed. But a tweet quickly catches my attention, causing me to stop the music. A girl shares her experience on a website I had never heard of before : "Write a prisoner". She explains how she came in contact with an incarcerated person and how their feelings evolved over time. I decide to look into it out of curiosity.

Well the interface is quite basic, looks like a corny version of Tinder. My finger clicks on Search Inmate Profiles then Advanced Search. But I suddenly feel uncomfortable about all this. Like why am I doing this ? What if the person is super dangerous ? What if I end up talking to a murderer ? I sigh. Why not after all. That will definitely spice up my boring life.

Let's fucking go, I tell myself. I first set up a Jpay account, which is an application used to communicate with inmates. Then I go back on the website to select my criteria : men between 21 and 23 years old, African American, willing to correspond overseas. I grow excited as the results load. Seconds after, a list appears. Next to the name, there sometimes is a picture and a little bio along. Not that I only care about appearances but profiles with no image get automatically ignored.

Anyway, I end up taking this whole thing seriously. But then, I stop. This black man's face is so perfect. How can someone be so photogenic on a mugshot, I wonder. I click on his profile to read about him. He likes music, he seems pretty cool and outgoing. It's strange but I feel like I know him. We seem to have many things in common. Alright then he's The Chosen. I set up my account to write him an email.

Dear Randal,

I hope you are fine. I'm sending this because I think I'm in love with your words. We share similar passions in life so I guess we already have plenty of things to talk about. But before we ever get to that, I guess I should tell you about me. I'm Wendy but I'd love a new nickname if you're creative. I love music just like you, watching Tv shows or playing piano (not that good but I'm trying). I like to write stories as well. And I'm super kind I swear. So if you still want us to get to know each other, I guess I'll send my number. I live in Paris so I don't know if you can call ? I made a JPay account as well so maybe it's easier that way.

If you're not interested that's completely fine, you can just ignore this letter. Just know there's a (beautiful) black girl thinking of you on the other side of the ocean...

Take care <3

I press send and breathe deeply. I'm so eager to see how all this will evolve in the future. I find another website that seems to be used for the same goal : finding pen pals. I look for profiles when another fine man catches my attention. I add him on JPay just in case.

November 10th, 2019
9 pm

As I'm walking to my place, my phone rings to indicate a notification. I unlock it and see a little icon for the first time. It's JPay. I open the application.

Hey Wendy, I seen you added me recently so feel free to write me anytime !

Damn. I didn't expect that. I wanted a message from Randal but I got one from Jermaine, the guy I added later. I google his name to find his record and the reason of his incarceration. I'm not judgmental but I'd never be able to talk with a rapist for example. Anyway he's down for burglary so that's kind of fine. I answer :

Hey Jermaine :-) yes I'm still trying to figure this app out but it's nice to meet you ! Soooo... what should I know about you ?

I open the door of my little apartment and directly head to the bathroom. I take a hot shower before going to the bedroom to moisturize. As I put my hoodie on, my phone indicates a new notification.

Well I'm glad to meet you as well !! As you probably know I'm 22. I enjoy all types of sports including those that are physical. I also like to read books on my spare time... If you got any question, please ask !

He's so cute.

Then you might become my training partner because I'm too lazy to ever work out a bit ahah. What types of books are you into ?

Only five minutes later, a new email appears in my inbox.

Anything that enhances my knowledge or challenges my way of thinking. The last book I read was The five love languages by Gary Chapman. It's been very helpful to understand myself better. My main love languages are acts of service and physical touch. What about you ?

I've read that book too ! Mines are physical touch and quality time. The first is pretty obvious I think ahah. The second is because I like to create special moments with my significant other, something that I can keep in mind and think of whenever I'm feeling low. Why are acts of service important to you ?

It just proves that your partner cares about you. I rather see my girl do something for me than just telling me, you know ? It's like don't say you love me, show me. I'm more into actions than words. And who doesn't like a little back rub ahah.

I feel you 100% :-) I'm sorry to cut this off but I have class early tomorrow and I need some rest ! I'll talk to you later !

It's fine :-) Have a good night

I can't help but to reread the messages. I never thought a man in prison would have that type of conversation. I'm not saying they're all stupid but from the society perspective, I mean how media and everything talk about prisoners, you would think they're all dangerous people who only care about violence and crimes. It's a good first impression honestly.

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