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February 19th, 2020

4 pm

I am walking out of class when I see a new notification from JPay. But I frown as I see Randal's name. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for a goodbye message, but it actually is the opposite :

Hey babygirl, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to reach out to you as much as I was able when I was in a different predicament. I just got out of segregation yesterday and I couldn't send emails. But I've missed you a lot. I truly adore you and I don't want you to think that I'll disappear because that won't happen. I wish to have you in my life forever ! We are so compatible that it scares me ahah. But I think about you so much, I just need us to be on the same page. I sincerely get butterflies in my stomach when I think about you, you are so perfect in every way in my eyes love.

I've been through more downs than ups but I know everything happens for a reason or a season. I try to channel my emotions into my music to create something authentic. Well I'm building an empire and hopefully I will have you as my queen :-) I couldn't call as much but I want you to understand that no matter if we go weeks or whatever without talking, I'm always and will forever be team Wendy !! I really like you bae and I love and cherish the bond we share. I would never give it up or trade it for anything in the world. Don't ever think anything less. I wish I could hug and kiss you, I think about it a lot. I really miss hearing your sexy ass voice also ahah fr tho. 

But I'll leave this off here and I hope to hear from you soon. I would also appreciate if you sent me some more pictures because I love receiving pictures of you. And if you are comfortable enough, I'd love to see you in a swimsuit or some sexy underwear because I can only imagine how amazing your body is from the head to toe picture you sent me :-) But if you don't feel comfortable with doing that then please don't, I would never try to pressure you into anything you aren't comfortable with bae.

Talk to you later future wifey <3

I nervously smile as I reach the metro station. It's a weird feeling honestly. I wish I could feel the same as him but I don't. There used to be some kind of attraction between me and Randal but it all faded away over time. I do like him a lot and I think he's an amazing person but the love he's talking about is not what I feel at the moment. I thought he hated me and I liked that feeling because it made everything easier in my mind and heart. I thought I could forget about him and now he's just there telling me things I wanted to hear. Jay tells me everything that I wish Randy would tell me. I'm so damn lost.

February 22nd, 2020

This is a prepaid debit call from Randal Corey, an inmate at the * Department of Corrections. To accept this call press 0. To refuse this call hang up or press 1. To prevent calls from this facility, press 9.

"Hello ?"

"Hello." I said with a little voice.

"What's up Wendy ?"

"I'm good. What about you ?"

"I'm fine. What's going on with your voice ? Are you sick ?"

"No I... I'm just tired. So what you been up to ?"

"Well I've been writing a lot of songs." He replied with enthusiasm.

"Oh then sing for me !"

I close my eyes at his soft voice. I'm not even paying attention to the meaning of the song, it's just his voice that I'm enjoying. I missed him for real. 

"What you think ?" He asked.

"You remind me of that singer... Hmmm... YNW Melly, you know ? In Suicidal."

"Oh yeah I like this song. I thought that we were meant to be..." He started to sing, putting a smile on my face.

It somehow feels so wrong. How can he make me feel this good so quick and effortless ?

"I love your voice." I blurted out. 

BITCH DID I JUST FUCKING MOAN ? Oh dear Lord I just did.

"Thank you." I could hear him smile as well. "I love your voice too. But I'm sorry I have to go now."

"It's fine ! Have a good day !"

"You too babygirl. And don't forget to send me pictures !"

"Yeah I will !"

Thank you for using GTL.

The call automatically ends as I let myself fall on the couch. I need to get rid of that hornyness NOW.

February 26th, 2020

Jay has everything a girl could ask for : patience, communication skills, good listener, sense of humor, attractive, blah blah blah. He checks all the boxes and I still can't believe it. How can a man be so perfect ? Where is the fucking trap ?

Ok babe I do like your starting point. If you were my woman I can promise to always continue to listen to you and learn about you as we go along. And with a woman as beautiful as you, how can I not want to cuddle and show you a lot of affection. I would always want to let you know how much I love you and care about you so there would never be a need to question us. I'm also feeling you a lot Wendy. I just want you to know that the strong feelings are mutual. To me it kind of feel like we're coming to that point you know :-) And I'm ready for whatever it is. Whatever you're thinking I'm sure it's crossed my mind also :-)

Aaaah *blushing* Of course it's crossed my mind :-) Sooooo what's next ?

So being that it's crossed both our minds, it just seems like we're fighting the inevitable... Wendy, I would like for you to be my girlfriend and place a title on us. I'm just saying from my point of view, my heart is picking up speed and I'm enjoying every bit of the ride. I want us to continue and place no limits on our growth. I want to further explore your thoughts and your heart. And I promise to include your cuddle time :-) You and me is next Wendy, if it was up to me. Now babe just tell me yes and that you're ready for it...

I read the message all over again as I walk to my apartment. As soon as I close the door, I can't help but to dance out of joy. 

I want to be with you so that's a big YEESSSSS :-) You literally made my day ahah I wish I could hug yooou

Well I guess I have a boyfriend now.

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