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March 22nd, 2021

wennn, I miss you whenever there's no form of communication between us meaning when I'm waiting for a reply or whenever there's no contact between us but whenever I'm reading an email from you or writing you one I feel amazing inside and ive been thinking about you a lot after reading your last email. but you've always been on my radar, since our first conversation I knew you mirrored me(which is rare) but I also know the distance and current predicament I'm in wouldn't allow us to blossom into what we could ultimately be/have if we were physically united so I've been playing it cool,but I always had aspirations as far as US and that state of mind has not nor ever will change. your my chosen!!;)<3

congratulations on getting your bachelor's degree in economics baeee!!!
so you only have two years of school left? that's not bad nor far away, just stay dedicated. by the time you finish your last two years I'll be coming home. you make a real nigga like me proud lbs, I would love and be honored to show you off to the world and carry you on my arm.and I've never told another female that before, but your just soo different to me and I can't deny my feelings anymore. as far as the girlfriend I once told you about is not even worthy of conversation for a couple of reasons. 1) being I ended relations with her and 2) she doesn't compare to you.<3

the reason men desire/fantasizes about Virgin pussy is because its just something soo intimate and graceful when you're the only one your girl has ever given it up to, its like what she has is only yours and no other man has nor ever will experience the luxury and pleasures of your velvety folds. I'd be the only one that lil pussy is molded to fit. lbvs.
now as far as the playlist you have that's over like 15 hours long for that special night is new news to me, this would be the first time you've ever mentioned its to me ane I love the idea but unfortunately 98% of men are incapable of lasting anywhere close to 15 hours but fortunately I'm apart of the 2% that can;) I promise you<3.
I've been planed on being gentle with you the first time even before you informed me on that being of importance to you. my obsession with licking you from head to toe stems from me wanting to pleasure you more than I've given any woman the pleasure. with you'd I wouldn't be selfish with you,I'd make sure you were more satisfied than I was by The end,I'd prove to you that you are the queen of my life. I'd turn you into a super freak, I'd expose you to sex that was mind boggling and you wouldn't even want to be with anyone after me because no one else would be able to make you feel the way I do.;)

but yea I agree that having that strong of a desire for a child at this young of a age can be dangerous but at the same time I'm prepared for whatever parenthood will bring as long as you're the one who brings my kids into this world. and we're going to be rich as fuck so our children would never have to want for anything so I'm ready.. I'll fight for you/US until death but I don't ever want to feel like I'm the only one fighting. so as long as you know where I stand when it comes to me and you(meaning you're mines and no matter who you are with just know when I come home and we're given the opportunity to fully pursue each other then we'll finally be together forever)so never forget that because you know my intentions and they'll never change

I love you, I tried calling but you didn't answer

Randy,  Randy, Randy...

I've always wondered how it felt to be in love. Well it's amazing and scary. It means opening your heart to someone who could break it. The journey is full of surprises and emotions, and that's what makes it perfect. I really love this journey.

March 28th, 2021

I don't have my degree yet I have like 2 months left. the other school is for next september to august 2023. then I book a flight to finally get my hugs and kisses :-) and put on your t-shirts, spend all my time in your arms, sleep on your chest, etc etc :-)

at this point, I would be lying if I said I don't feel the same for you. to be honest, I tried to pretend I wasn't into you in the same capacity because I just didn't know how to deal with my own emotions. but of course everytime you mentioned us as a couple or at least more than "friends", I knew what it was about (like that rod wave song). I just panicked lbs. but I didn't know how to say it, like how to bring up the topic. I tried when we would talk on the phone but I would literally stutter instead (which is so embarrassing omgg). you make me so nervous Randy, how you do that ?
the only way I found to forget about you was to get closer to another man so that's what I did and it did work for a moment. then I started to lose interest in that "relationship" but at the same time, he boosted my ego, or I guess I just liked to give someone cute little names lol. I'm just telling you this so you can understand better the way I felt.

this being said, I don't expect someone's son to last 15 hours straight lol what type of human being does that. and if you do last this long then omg you're a monster papito (& and my body can't/won't handle that ahah). but I love the idea of being the center of attention :-)

but I do am selfish with what's mine and maybe that's one of the reasons why I kind of held back my feelings. even though I'm confident about myself, I still don't really know about your (female) friends & who you ever come in contact with soo sometimes I make up scenarios. I know your worth and I don't want another person to see you the way I do because I don't want to share you (that's the leo talking)

now, that baby talk ummm. well well well, first we get the money then maybe we'll have that conversation :-) I do want kids some day but I often forget that I'll be the one carrying them lol

that's probably the most vulnerable message I ever sent you. I did see your call last time and I'm sorry for not answering but I was like *nervous*. when we're on the phone, you know sometimes I don't really pay attention to what you say because I just focus on your voice. damn I love your voice... then I stutter and say less than what I want to say.
sooo idk what all that means but please answer back before calling. if you try to call first, I'll probably won't pick up because I'm super nervous right now :-)

And... SENT. Now we wait for a reply. Patiently. Nervously... 

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