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after both boys got ready, they went downstairs to eat some food.
"here, min." jisung handed him a bowl of cereal. minho mumbled a small thanks and dug in. he looked so adorable wearing jisung's clothes, the younger couldn't help but smile. everything felt perfect.

"why are you staring so hard?" minho scoffed. jisung blushed in embarrassment and cleared his throat,
"s-sorry." he apologized, making minho frown.

"why are you apologizing? i was joking, sungie!" he laughed.
"and besides, i'd rather you look at me for the rest of our lives than anyone else."

"is this your way of declaring your love to me?" jisung let out a melodic laugh, minho blushing as he spoke.

"maybe~" he cheekily said with a confident smirk.

"you're so cute..." jisung let out a soft sigh.

"hot. im hot, you're the cute one jisungie." minho firmly spoke. the squirrel looking boy rolled his eyes and shook his head in disagreement.

"whatever helps you sleep at night, love."


"chan! channie look!" hyunjin ran towards his boyfriend. yes, boyfriend. he stumbled over the numerous canvases and empty paint bottes and cans, running to his boyfriend's room.

"look at this! does it look good?" he asked the older boy excitedly. chan turned away from his laptop, putting his attention onto his boyfriend's amazing new art piece.

hyunjin has managed to stay clean for a month, and chan was extremely proud of him. the long haired boy turned to painting once he decided to try, to try for chan and their relationship. ever since then, he incorporated his feelings into his artworks.

chan was so happy for him.

"it looks amazing hyunjin! how long did it take?" chan asked as he stared in awe at the beautiful painting of a starry sky with shooting stars .

"it took like 2 hours i think.." the younger one mumbled while observing his own painting. chan smiled and looked at him, eyes full of love and adoration.

"but anyways, how about you? what have you been up to?" hyunjin asked as he carefully placed his painting on chan's floor.
"i-i was finishing up a song..." he told him.

"oh really? whats it about?" the taller one jumped onto the bed, joining his lover.
'you...' chan answered in his head. he didn't want to tell hyunjin it was about him yet because it was meant to be a surprise for their 2nd month anniversary, and yeah, they were planning on celebrating their relationship each month.

"...it's a-about food..." he ended up mumbling. hyunjin bursted out into laughter.

"food? LOL?! are you serious?" he laughed.

"you just said 'lol' out loud i-" chan ended up laughing too. shutting his laptop and pulling hyunjin closer to him, placing a kiss onto his soft cheeks.

"i feel like we've been indoors all week, we should go out bro." hyunjin said after catching his breath.

he reached for his phone, unlocking it with face id to check his recent messages, and a specific one caught his eyes,

"chan holy shit!" he yelled.
"what? what happened?" chan asked curiously.

"minho! minho is finally back!"


"LEE FELIX OPEN YOUR DOOR RIGHT NOW." felix woke up to the sound of someone yelling his name from outside. he groaned and rubbed his eyes.

he went up to his window, looking out only to see minho and jisung frowning up at him.

"shut the fuck up!" he yelled back and shut the window. he grumbled as he rushed downstairs, eyes barely open as he opened the door for his lovely guests.

"lee felix what the fuck?! you have a lot of explaining to do." jisung grabbed him and brought him to the couch, minho following behind him.

"what do you want..." the australian groaned at his friends.

"first and foremost, why the hell were you still asleep at 2pm?! second of all where the FUCK were you last night? everyone was so worried!" jisung frowned at his friend, waiting for an explanation.

"well...i dont really know. i fortunately bumped into minho and gave him my phone to call you then i ran off somewhere because- i dont even know about that part i think i was a little high...anyways! i felt like dora the explorer going far till i ended up too far away from seoul to walk back. waited for the train and only arrived back home at 4am yesterday...thats why i woke up at this time." he said.

"shit felix don't do that ever again, please." jisung hugged his bestfriend, minho patting his back too.

"enough of the emotional shit...wanna get high and play genshin?" he suggested with a smirk.

and thats how felix, minho, and jisung sat sprawled on his living room floor, stoned, and fighting genshin impact daily bosses in co-op mode.

"how the fuck are you still adventure rank 35 minho, you dont even have a five star!"felix laughed.
"sorry i dont spend my none existent income on this stupid gacha game! keqing is fit tho..." he snapped back, causing jisung to laugh.

"jisung don't act as if you don't have c5 xiao! minho you should attack your boyfriend he's never lost a 50/50 because of the blood money he spends!"

"where do you even get that money anyways?" minho asked him, felix just realized what he said...him and jisung making eye contact then bursting into laughter, too high to even react properly.

"that's a secret i'll never tell-"

"xoxo, gossip gworl."


heres the chapter as promised!! also happy new years eve/ new year! i hope 2022 is full of happiness for everyone x

love you all!

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