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changbin: jisung?

changbin; sung

changbin: have u found felix yet? is he at his house?

changbin: reply pls

jisung: sorry i knocked out LMAO

jisung: yeah he's at his house, me and minho just left

changbin: well

changbin: how is he then?

jisung: acting like he's fine but i know he isn't

jisung: its best if you talk to him in person

changbin: ik but

changbin: he probs hates me rn

jisung: i mean, he's probably more hurt than angry but sure

changbin: anyways, how's minho?

jisung: he's doing alright

jisung: m so happy

changbin: thats good

changbin: im rlly glad he's back


changbin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. he really didn't know how he was supposed to approach felix.

he really regretted what he said to him the day prior. he hated himself so much for what he said.

he just wished he never found out felix's secret "job".

it's not like he could text felix and inform him that he'll be coming over to talk, he'll just have to show up at the younger's house and hope for him to open the door.

with a shaky breath, he left his house.

felix, on the other hand, just ordered a new phone. it was to be delivered the following day.

right after minho and jisung left, he went back to his room still feeling a little bit high.

he ruffled his faded blond locks and jumped back onto his bed with a yawn, slowly drifting off into yet another slumber.

a few minutes passed and there was another ring at his door, quickly cutting his trip to dreamland short.

still out of it, he rubbed his eyes and rolled himself out of bed.

"just when i got comfortable..." he mumbled as he strolled down the stairs and reached for the front door.

"jisung probably forgot his phone or something..." he said to himself while opening the door, only to step back in shock.

'no no no why is he here? especially right now?' he wanted to scream and cry internally.

"hey...felix." the short male greeted him with a forced smile. felix felt like he was about to burst with all five stages of grief.

he didn't reply, just stared at the boy in front of him with a cold and questioning look.

"c-can we talk please? i just wanted to apologize in person and since i couldn't text you or anything i decided to just show up- it's weird..." clearly felix thought he was waffling.

"changbin, i don't really think there's much to talk about. you said what you said and hey! that's fine! i don't really fucking care anymore." felix gave him a sour half asses smile.

"felix please- you know i didn't mean to say those things to you...i was just so pissed and- and i was just shocked that you work as a..."

"a prostitue? yeah right. im not proud of myself either okay!" felix mocked a laugh. this conversation wasn't going to go very far was it.

"lix please don't be like this...i'll do anything to make it up to you..." changbin begged the freckle faced boy. felix scoffed and crossed his arms.

"i'm really not in the mood for this right now changbin...i-i just want to sleep on it, okay?" felix sounded so hurt, and that made changbin's heart squeeze in pain.

"i'm so sorry lix...i-i'll leave but is there any way i can contact you later?" changbin sighed.

felix, who was biting his nails, mumbled something under his breath before turning back into his house for a second and returning with a small white paper.

"here, this is the number i set for my new phone while ordering..." he said as he gave him the paper. changbin nodded reluctantly.

he couldn't help but notice the dark eye circles felix had on his pale face, he looked so tired.

god was it killing changbin up inside seeing him like that...

"i-i'll go now...bye lix." the short dark haired boy tried to smile at the younger, only to receive a sad look in return. he quickly turned away and walked back to his car, not knowing that the freckle faced boy watched him as he drove by with a heavy heart.


"why did we decide to get high at 2am? that was such a bad idea..." minho groaned as he held his head.

"it wasn't my idea, was it?" jisung asked.

"sungie, it was your idea..." minho kissed his cheek as he joined him on the couch.

"whatever, i'm just so glad you're with me again...i love you so much...." jisung passionately told the brunette, staring deep into his eyes.

"you're so in love with me, hm?" minho giggled and intertwined their hands together.
"i love you too, sung. so much." he confessed.

"you made me a better version of myself and i'm so fucking thankful for that, you really saved me.." minho squeezed their locked hands tight, giving him a bright genuine smile as jisung smiled back with hearts dancing around his eyes.

"that was cringey..." minho quickly scoffed and blushed in embarrassment.

"wha- hey! come back!" jisung whined and dragged minho back next to him, leaving a soft kiss on the corner of his lips.

"you get shy so quickly, it's so cute"


"hot-right sorry!"

"but anyways....i hate ruining the moment but i keep thinking that this happy moment wont last— very dark and sudden i know but,, what about your parents? what happens if the school notices that you're gone and they contact your mom and-" jisung spoke anxiously.

minho stroked his hand to make him calm down.

"we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?" minho mindlessly answered. all he wanted to think about was the present, not the future. jisung sighed and leaned into his touch.

they sat in silence for a while, the only sound being from the show they put on tv as background noise.

until jisung broke the silence.

"i have school tomorrow..." he sighed and rubbed his drowsy eyes. minho hummed in response.

"i bet my roommate is so confused to why i went out to do a little shopping for him and never came back." he laughed, jisung joining him.

"that's insane minho." he giggled.


hey guys!! hope u guys enjoyed this messy confusing chapter i managed to put out 💀

heads up i'll probably be ending this book soon x !

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