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Hyunjin slammed his hands on his desk after his call with Minho. He was fed up. He wanted to be himself. It was so fucking hard to be someone he didn't want to be.


That's what he truly was and he knew it.
He just didn't want to admit it. He was ashamed of what he was. Hyunjin and Minho have been friends since the start of highschool, it was so hard to leave. They've been together through everything. Minho was his best friend.

but Chan's words rang in his head,

"it's better if you leave him Hyunjin, there's no point of loving someone who doesn't even consider you. Just let him go, I'll be here for you."

Hyunjin let his tired body flop onto his king sized bed and texted Minho.


we need to talk

can we meet at the park at 11pm?


"Dry mother fucker." Hyunjin sadly smiled. He knew their friendship was about to come to a painful end. Was he ready? not really, but he can't hold on any longer. It was better this way.

"what did you want to talk about?" Minho asked as he kicked the small rocks out of his way

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"what did you want to talk about?" Minho asked as he kicked the small rocks out of his way.
"I'm sorry." Hyunjin started. Minho gave him a confused look.
"about what?"

"I want to end our friendship." Hyunjin told him, voice quivering. Minho stopped walking and turned around to face the taller.
"pardon?" He laughed.
"you heard me." Hyunjin's fists turned into balls, holding back his tears.

"what the fuck? why?!" Minho growled.
"Lee Minho, I like you. I like you so fucking much. That's why."

The air turned thick, hyunjin was struggling to breathe. His chest rose up and down in a quick pace as he let tears roll down his cheek.
"i always knew you were like them, you tried to hard." Minho painfully laughed.

"you're just like the rest, all you are is a pathetic faggot." His laugh got louder but colder. Hyunjin took a deep breath and grabbed Minho's face, smashing his lips onto his.

Minho froze, too shocked to move. When he realised what was happening, he shoved the younger away from him in disgust.

"how dare you kiss me!!" he fumed and balled his fists.
Hyunjin just stood their, accepting all the hurtful words the elder threw at him.

"get away from me you disgusting piece of shit!" Minho pushed him to the ground and kicked him in the ribs, throwing him a glare and leaving.

"get away from me you disgusting piece of shit!" Minho pushed him to the ground and kicked him in the ribs, throwing him a glare and leaving

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Jisung sat on his bed with his med kit, healing up his small wounds.
Once he finished, he decided on making some seafood ramen for dinner.

He sat on the kitchen counter, watching the ramen boil in the pot with a bored expression.
'i wonder what Minho is doing...' He thought then quickly slapped his forehead.

"why am i even thinking about that bastard." He mumbled and fiddled with his plaster. Jisung didn't know why Minho had such strong hatred towards him, 'maybe it's because i annoy the hell out of him.' The blond smiled.

Soon enough, he ate his food and went back to his room.

He was bored to say the least, it was only 1:21am.
"fuck it." He grabbed a random hoodie and his skateboard then left the house, heading towards the skatepark.

The streets were so quiet and empty, that's exactly what jisung wanted. Peace and quiet for once.

But once he arrived to the skatepark, there was a body laying on the ground.
"holy shit did someone murder someone?!" He whispered to himself, debating on whether he should run away or go see who it is.

"whatever." He ran towards the body, chills running up his spine.

"Hyunjin?!" He yelled, voice echoing. Almost instantly, The raven head jolted up in surprise.
"what the fuck do you want." he mumbled.
"no, why the fuck are you here?!" Jisung helped him up.
"and who fucked up your handsome face? damn." Hyunjin stayed silent, he didn't want to tell the younger what happened.

"why are you here? what time is it anyways." He asked in a monotone. Jisung checked his phone, the brightness almost blinding him.
"1:40am" He sighed, "and I'm here to kill my boredom." He continued, showing his skateboard to the taller with a smile.

"you smile way to much, no wonder Minho hates you." Hyunjin commented once silence fell a pon them.
"ouch. That was a bit harsh." Jisung laughed and placed his skateboard on the concrete smooth concrete ground.

"are you not gonna leave?" The shorter asked. Hyunjin shook his head and crossed his arms.
"well... wan't me to teach you how to skate? you can watch me if you want... please?" Jisung offered with a shy smile. Hyunjin thought for a bit then gave in.


"you're not as bad as i thought you were." Hyunjin let out a soft laugh. Jisung thanked him with a smile.
"you should laugh more"
"you should talk less."
"hey!" Then they both started laughing like maniacs.

"are you gonna be less mean to me now?" Jisung asked with hopeful eyes.
"I don't think i wan't be mean anymore." Hyunjin mumbled.
"did my ears just fail me or did you just say you're going to develop your character."

"shut up."


Hyunjin and Jisung talked for a while before deciding that they should part ways.
"Um Jisung...Thank you." Hyunjin thanked the younger.
"aw you're welcome, tall boy." He pulled Hyunjin in for a hug.

It felt so nice.

"don't call me that or I'll snap your skinny legs off." The taller playfully glared.
"alright alright, talk to you tomorrow...?" Jisung's eyes sparkled.
"i guess." He smiled and walked the opposite direction.

He felt happy, he missed the feeling of enjoying someone's company so much.
He quickly walked home and changed into his pyjamas.

Jisung was fun to be around, But he doesn't know if he should consider him a friend, though that would be nice. He smiled, just before falling asleep, he opened his contacts and blocked Minho.

He was determined to become a better person.


i love skater boyz xoxo

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