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the following morning, minho and jisung decided to go to school even after the events that occurred the previous day. hyunjin also decided to go, even though chan tried to hold him back.

he anxiously walked on the school grounds, noticing the way everyone stared and murmured at him as he walked into the building.

he instantly spotted minho and jisung, who stared right back at him in worry.

"w-what is going on? why aren't you guys telling me?!" hyunjin asked once he ran up to his friends. minho avoided the tall boy's eyes in guilt, he really didn't want to hurt the younger.

"hyunjin..." jisung finally spoke up.

"yesterday, someone wrote shit on our lockers, really bad things and-"

"and what? why didn't you tell me this yesterday instead of covering it up?! do you guys really think im that pathetic and sensitive?!" hyunjin was really frustrated. even chan, someone who he trusted very much, lied to his face yesterday. it was obvious that the older australien boy knew about it. he felt hurt and betrayed.

"hyunjin its not that we think that way its just-"

"what? you dont want me to get hurt? fuck off." hyunjin sourly laughed.

both minho and jisung stayed silent, that was until felix showed up behind them.

"you!" hyunjin pointed his finger at the younger aussie boy.

"you're such a bitch! i asked you what happened yesterday and you refused to tell me, even when i insisted! you guys are such assholes!" hyunjin yelled and shoved felix to the ground.

"well excuse ME for thinking about your mental state you ass! i was doing it for your own good! we all were! you have no right to be mad at us for trying to protect you, hyunjin!" felix yelled back. the freckled face boy was already in a bad mood and had no space to take in absolute bullshit from anyone right now so early in the morning.

"felix calm down-" jisung tried to hold his friend back.

"no! im so sick of all of you!" and with that, felix ran off with tears of frustation and anger in his eyes.

'why does everyone take me for granted?'

both minho and jisung looked at eachother and sighed. half their friend group was falling apart already.

"we're so fucked..." minho sighed. an angry hyunjin was never a good one anyways. as bad as he felt for the tall boy, hyunjin had no right going off at felix like that, when all the aussie did was try to protect him.


felix ran down the hall and rushed to the nearest bathroom. he locked himself in a stall and let his frail body slide down the door. he burst out in tears once he felt himself hit the ground.

he probably now just lost a friend, not like he had many to begin with. it hurt him, really. he felt so lost and alone.

his train of thoughts got cut off by a soft knock on the door.

"f-felix?" fuck.

'why HIM out of all people?!' felix mentally groaned.

the aussie quicky wiped his tears and got off the floor. how the hell did changbin find him?

"what." he narrowed his eyes at the short boy. changbin frowned and backed up a little, giving felix space to exit the stall he was in.

"w-well i saw you run into the bathroom crying s-so i just wanted to check up on you, lix." changbin confessed. felix remained silent and washed his hands.

"are you okay?- i-i mean you obviously aren't if you were crying.." changbin asked with sincerity laced in his voice. felix felt like breaking down again, he hated that question. he hated answering it, he was tired of answering it. he continued to remain silent and then dried off his hands using the paper towel dispenser. changbin knew that the younger didn't really want to tell him what was the matter, so he decided to drop it.

he made his way towards the younger and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a hug. this action caught the boy off guard.

felix let his tense body relax and snuggled deeper into changbin's arms as tears streamed down from his swollen eyes once again.

"i don't know what's bothering you but I'm here for you, okay?" changbin rubbed the younger's back in a comforting way. he really couldn't care less if his hoodie was getting soaked by his crushes tears.

"i-im so tired, changbin." felix cried. the pain in his voice made changbin's eyes get also teary. he hugged him tighter and whispered comforting words into the younger's ear.

"it'll all get better soon, i promise."


"have you guys seen jinnie?" chan asked in worry. jisung sighed,

"i dont think he would want to see you right now..." he said. chan let out a sad sigh and sat beside his friends.

"anyways, i haven't seen byungsoo since before the locker incident..." minho spoke up, head leaning on jisung's shoulder.

"you think its him?" chan asked the brunette. minho nodded and inspected the school grounds in hope to spot the mentioned male that he despised.

"why?" the older aussie asked in curiosity.

"i think he did it becuse he likes jisung..." it was more than that but minho was playing safe for now.

"but why would he attack hyunjin too?"

'its complicated, chan'

"no idea."


poor lixie tbh :(

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! any thoughts and ideas?

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