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Hyunjin woke up with a groan. He didn't want to go to school, he was too emotionally tired for that shit, but he still got ready for it. After brushing his teeth and brushing his hair, he looked in the mirror.
"wow, he really did fuck my face up." The raven head pouted and quickly put on a beanie.
"bye jin." his elder brother, jinhyeong, muttered. hyunjin waved in response.

Just as he stepped out the door, he was met by sunshine.
"Hey Hyunjin!" Jisung smiled.
"holy shit you gave me a heart attack." Hyunjin dramatically placed his hands over his chest.
"sorry...wanna walk to school with me?" the blonde asked.

"do i have a choice?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes.
"not really." The shorter laughed. The two then made their way to school.

The weather was nice, to hyunjin at least. grey sky, gentle breeze, it was perfect to him. though he was anxious. he was scared to see Minho at school.
"we're almost there- you okay?" Jisung was quick to notice the change in the taller's face.
"I'm fine." Hyunjin sighed. Jisung inspected him for while then shrugged.

Soon enough, they arrived at last. Hyunjin was mentally debating on whether he should ditch, run home, and cry in his bed while cuddling his dog, or deal with what the day has planned for him.
"Jisung!-" Chan's voice rang in the taller's ears.

Chan came running towards the blonde boy, then noticed hyunjin.
He smiled and greeted the taller.
"hello hyunjin!" he smiled.
Hyunjin shyly smiled in response and saw other students giving him weird looks.

"im scared." he mumbled. Jisung patted his shoulder in comfort.
"good luck soldier." He sighed. Hyunjin scoffed, a smile making it's way to his features.
"thank you."

Minho was in a bad mood to say the least. He saw Jisung walking with Hyunjin to school, it irked him. He stomped his way through the halls, stopping at his locker.
"Minho!" Nari engulfed him into a hug, which he responded to.
"hey." He greeted then proceeded to open his locker.

"where's hyunjin?" she asked with a confused look on her face. they always come to school together.
"please, don't mention that faggots name." He growled. Nari gasped as her eyes widened.
"h-he's....a faggot?!" she asked in shock. Minho nodded and sighed.
"stop talking about him now. See you after class." He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and started to head towards class.

Once he entered, he instantly spotted the blonde male he despised so much. It was hard to not look at him, he practically brightened up the classroom. The brunette scoffed in annoyance and sat down in his seat, soon hearing footsteps approaching him.
'does this bitch have a secret obsession with me or what?!' he asked himself once Jisung sat down next to him, out of all the empty spaces.

"hey min." how dare he? Minho glared at him, signalling him to shut the fuck up, but guess what? he didn't!
"did you sleep well?" Jisung innocently smiled. Minho slammed his hands onto the desk, startling the few students in the class.
"don't fucking talk to me, okay?!" He growled lowly, which jisung found pretty hot.
"geez, alright alright." He huffed and let his head fall onto the wooden desk.

an hour passed and class finally ended. Jisung stretched his arms, then left the classroom. heading to the rooftop for their 'daily session'. Minho sighed and collected his things, going in the same direction.

Jisung cracked his fingers as he waited for the brunette to arrive, he probably went to see his girlfriend. Jisung smiled to himself,
"i bet he's really just a big softie." he laughed to himself, instantly shutting up once he heard the door of the rooftop open.

"you're so fucking annoying." Minho growled as he dropped his bag on the ground.
"the way you talk is annoying, the way you smile is annoying, everything you do annoys me." He shoved Jisung against the brick wall, causing him to wince in pain as he felt the hard surface hit his back.

"you sound like you have a crush on me instead-" Minho held Jisung's neck before he could finish his sentence, choking him.
"don't you ever shut up?! why the fuck would i have a crush on you?!! I'm not a faggot like you and your friends!" He yelled.

"y-you sure? why are you getting so defensive then? c'mon be true with yourself." Jisung breathed out. Minho stared into his eyes, grip loosening up for a second, then he gripped even tighter, causing the younger to gasp.

"you have no right to decide whether I'm being true with myself or not you fucking bitch!" He finally let go of his neck, only to kick him in the shin, making him yelp in pain.

'that's definitely gonna  bruise up...'

"go to hell!" Minho kicked him in the ribs.
"wow you just love my ribs so much don't you." Jisung laughed in pain as he wrapped his arms around his ribs.

"stop talking!" He gritted his teeth and punched the younger.
Jisung frowned, why was Minho's voice so shaky?
"you know...b-beating the shit out of me every day isn't gonna make me straight." he wheezed as he touched his numb nose.

Minho didn't want to admit it but Jisung was right.
Beating him isn't gonna turn him straight.
"Minho, why do you hate gays so much?" Jisung asked, expecting a punch or a slap in return but no, Minho just stared at him in shock.

"b-because it's wrong and disgusting! all gay people deserve to rot in hell!" He yelled.
'why the fuck did i stutter'

"or is that what your parents want you to think?" Jisung walked towards him, Minho froze on the spot.
"Minho, don't let them control your mind" He stared deeply into the brunette's empty eyes.

Minho then pushed him away,
"fuck off! you know nothing about me or my f-family!!" He screamed, tears of frustration built up in his eyes. He gave Jisung one last shove before lifting up his bag.

"then tell me about you, and your family."


i wrote all this shit at 2am bye

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