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"what's next sir?" jisung asked minho, who glared at him in response.
"quit calling me that. but! next we are going to visit an animal shelter!" minho cheered and dragged the younger dangerously across the street.

"sounds fun! though i hope i don't see any hamsters or i think im going to cry.." he pouted.

"i hope you do." minho laughed.

"look there it is!" the redhead pointed at a small store at the end of the road.

"lets go! we're going to the mall after!"


hyunjin sighed as he stared at himself in the mirror. he promised chan he wouldn't harm himself again after the older boy saw his scars as he was changing after his volleyball practice. he felt really bad and pathetic for breaking that promise.

tears unconsciously fell from his eyes as he stared at the blood filled tissues that were near the sink, hyunjin quickly wiped his eyes and left the bathroom.

"how about i let you listen to some of my songs? you can name them if you want" chan suggested as he took out his laptop.

"o-okay." hyunjin mumbled and walked towards the older boy.

a few hours of chan letting hyunjin listen to his songs and letting him name them passed and it was now 5pm.
"woah how do you come up with these names in a spam of one second!" chan exclaimed with a bright smile.

hyunjin blushed and shrugged.

"do you want to stay the night?" chan offered.

"well, i'll ask my brother if i can." hyunjin shyly mumbled.

chan nodded and went to the kitchen, deciding to start preparing dinner for the two of them.

hyunjin pulled out his phone and texted his brother, a smile making its way on his face one his brother agreed.

what would his life be like if he hadn't met chan?

would he still of been friends with minho?

would he even be alive?

he was very thankful for chan and his patience. he liked being around chan. but, he was afraid. afraid of catching feelings .

° ° ° °

minho and jisung we're at the park, their date nearing the end.
"i can't believe you cried! that was the highlight of the day." minho laughed. jisung shot him a glare and rolled his eyes,

"you are mean." he huffed and crossed his arms.
"aw did i hurt your feelings? too bad, don't care." minho faked a baby voice and smirked.

jisung gave him an offended look and hit the older boy's shoulder.

"the sky is very pretty." jisung re-struck their conversation- which died a few minutes ago- trying to end their date on a good note.

"yeah." minho smiled as he looked up at the sky. the cool breeze brushed against his skin as the pinkish sky settled above them.

"thank you for the neckless by the way, makes it seem like we're a couple!" the younger boy threw his arm around minho's shoulder.

"you're welcome, thought don't get the wrong ideas! t-this is not a romantic date!" minho flushed in embarrassment.

"then why did you say it was a date? you could've easily said it was a hangout you know..." jisung taunted. minho groaned and ran ahead.

jisung laughed at him and ended up catching up.
that was until they bumped into a familiar figure.

"oh...whats this?" byungsoo smirked as he eyed minho and jisung up and down. minho's face turned stone cold as he pulled jisung behind him, catching the dark haired male off guard.

"what do you want?" minho harshly asked. jisung felt uncomfortable with the weird tension surrounding the two.

"what do you want? you're the one who bumped into me minmin." he smirked and leaned closer towards minho.

"it was an accident- don't fucking call me that. if you don't mind, me and jisung will be on our way." the redhead growled and pulled jisung along.

but byungsoo held jisung back, which the other cringed at.

"jisungie! how are you?" he smiled at the younger. jisung forced a smile,
"i'm okay, but im really busy right now sorry..." jisung mumbled.

"oh, thats fine. can i have your number then?" the tall boy asked with a smile. jisung was too nice to say no.

"here." he sighed and typed his number into the boy's phone.
"thank you sungie!" byungsoo pulled the younger into his chest and patted his back, initiating a hug. jisung recoiled at his actions and stood back behind minho,

"y-you're welcome. bye!" he quickly dragged a very grumpy minho down the street, feeling byungsoo's eyes still watching them.

once they turned a sharp corner, he finally let out his breath.
"you and byungsoo seem to have a past." jisung spoke up. minho stayed silent and glared at nothing in particular.

"why did you give him your number?" minho growled, voice cold as ice.

"i-i didn't want to be rude." jisung cowered. minho pushed him against the brick wall that led to the car park and stared deeply into his eyes,

"i don't care, this is our date. you aren't supposed to go around giving people your number. didn't you say he makes you uncomfortable?! why the fuck would you still give him your number?! do you know what he's done?!" minho yelled.

jisung teared up,
"s-stop yelling at me!" he shouted back.
he pushed minho away from him and winced in pain, being shoved against a brick wall wasn't the greatest, even though he's been through that pain a couple times.

minho balled his fists and looked away.

"i think i should drop you home now..." jisung mumbled almost inaudibly. minho nodded and followed jisung to his car.

the car ride back to the convenience store was painfully quiet. once they arrived, jisung mumbled a small "bye" and watched the redhead leave the car.

minho shoved his hands into his jean pockets as he walked back to his house. tears unconsciously filled his eyes as he heard jisung's car roar past him. he felt bad, why did he have to unreasonably lash out at the younger? his feelings got the better of him. he wanted jisung to himself-which was pretty selfish, but he didn't care.

why couldn't they have ended their date on a good note?

most importantly,

why did minho have to ruin everything?


poor jisung lmfao 💔

sorry for the late update btw!! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

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