The Burrow

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"REMUS, THE DUCKS ARE CHASING ME,"I shouted as they tried to peck me.
"I told you not to tease them,"He responded calmly.
"You don't understand. Those beady eyed ducks are so greedy. I gave them two loafs of bread yesterday and only had one to for Freckles. Yes I name the violent ducks.

I panted as I reached the back door. Ducks are quite fast and prone to violence. If you've never been chased by crowd of angry ducks you can't talk.

As I walked in with disheveled clothes Remus started laughing like he usually does. He finds joy in my misery. I do to but that's besides the point.  "It's not funny,"I exclaimed while crossing my arms before taking a cookie from the treat plate.

"No sweets before dinner Y/N/N. Now go get ready for the Weasleys. You don't want to be late again,"He told me.
"I appreciate your concern, and that was one time,"I added before heading upstairs. "I've counted six,"He added laughing.

I looked threw my closet before changing into a decent shirt. After struggling to get in my jean shorts and running my hands through my hair I was almost ready to go. I couldn't find my converse though.

"They're downstairs Y/N. You left them by the fireplace,"Remus informed me. "L
"How did you know?"I asked confused. "I've raised you for seven years. I know you by now,"He replied.
Also Y/N, you only have five minutes,"Remus said.
"Coming,"I replied before lifting my trunk with my wand and heading downstairs.

"Now, stay safe and listen to them. Try not to cause too much trouble,"He said before messing up my hair. I made an exaggerated shocked face.
"Me trouble? I do no such thing. I'm quite hurt,"I said while putting a hand to my forehead. He rolled his eyes before ruining my hair again. I rolled my eyes before stepping into the fireplace and yelling "THE BURROW,"while throwing the floo powder down.

I felt like I was spinning at 10x the normal human speed. Then I landed on the Weasleys floor. I'm so glad they have carpet. I dusted myself off as Molly came in the room. "I'm so glad you're here. It's wonderful to see you,"She said before pulling me into a hug.
"You too Molly,"I told her.

"It's not nice to lie mother,"Fred joked.

"Fred has been so excited. When's Y/N coming? Is she here yet? Oh Y/N, my future wife,"George teased while making kissy faces. Fred punched him in the shoulder. I payed no attention to it.

"Don't scare her off,"Molly scolded before taking my trunk to the twins room.

In the background I could see Ron shoveling brownies into his mouth.
"Good to see you too Ron,"I told him before taking one as well.
"Ello,"He said back..
"Don't speak with your mouth full,"Hermione lectured coming out of no where as Ron rolled his eyes.

As they argued like an old couple I headed upstairs to the twins room. I just walked right in like always.

"There she is. My third favorite person after me and George of course,"Fred said before pulling me into the room.
"Shouldn't you're future wife come first?"I said smirking.
"Can you guys make out yet? Just not in front of me,"George said. I glared at him as he just grinned before flopping himself on the bed. I just sat on a chair in the corner.

"You look comfy,"They said in synch. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at them.

"You've started war,"George told me before throwing it back. This turned into us throwing pillows and cushions at each other. One hit me so hard I fell to the floor. I rubbed my head before Fred pulled me up.

"We win,"They said in synch.
"It was two against one,"I pointed out.

"Keep it down. I have important business,"Percy shouted from the next room.
"Sorry Perc. Do you have to go shine the ministers shoes?"I shouted back laughing. "I mean it. This is top secret,"He said arrogantly.
'Of course it is. Go back to work dear,"George added before high-fiving me.

I then felt a pillow hit my head.

"Round two,"I shouted before charging at them.

"Guys, dinners ready,"Ginny told us as she opened the door. She looked at the messier than usual room and rolled her eyes.

"Let's go then,"I told them before rushing down the stairs.

"You didn't trip this time,"The twins said clapping.
"It was one time and you two had your shoes in my way," I pointed out. "Excuses,excuses,"Fred said while shaking his head. I slapped him on the back of the head because, violence is fun. I could see him rub it and I have him my sweet innocent smile.

"Have a seat next to Ginny dear,"Molly instructed. I sat at the back of the table next to her.
"And stop flirting with my brother. Actually do something about it,"Ginny whispered. I glared at her but she just shrugged and put some casserole on her plate.

We all filled each other in on our summer. Percy joined us about forty minutes late. I could see the snobby look on his face and I looked up at the twins. We silently agreed to do something later. "Do you all have something to say?"Harry asked. I looked at the twins once again and agreed to do something about that to.

As soon as we finished we all headed upstairs with Ginny and Hermione. I pulled out the extra mattress. It was Hermione's turn to use the top bunk and it's Ginny's room.

Once the lights were out I got up and pulled out some random magazines I bought from Cereas Basic Shop. I get them on sale or free since Remus used to work with her when he was younger.  Hermione had her usual muggles fashion one. It sounds out of character for her but we just look and make fun of some of the really bad ones when they pop up. Ginny pulled her Quidditch one from under her pillow. We all knew we wouldn't be getting a healthy amount of sleep tonight.

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