The Spider

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I was walking up the stairs with the twins. Today was the day of Mr.Moodys class.  Something feels off. It could just be the eye. It'll be fine. Right?

"I can't wait. This is going to be awesome,"George said.
"He would catch death eaters,"Fred proclaimed.
I could feel my body tense a bit. Fred noticed and wrapped an arm around me.

"I'm sorry love. I forgot,"Fred said quietly. "I'm okay,"I told him.
"You don't have to be tough all the time,"He said.
"I told you I'm okay!"I snapped. His face fell and I felt awful.
"I'm sorry. I just don't want to think about it,"I told him. He nodded and smiled at me so I knew he understood.

We finally arrived at the classroom door. We took a step in the classroom and took a seat in the back.

"Now that the are all here let's begin. When you are in the real world you don't have time to think. You must be prepared. Now who knows about the unforgivable curses?"He asked.

The room was dead silent. You could hear a quill drop.
A girl in the front raised her hand.
"The Imperious curse. It controls what they do,"She said.

"Very good. Now we test this,"He told us taking a spider out of a jar.
"Imperia, He said calmly. In an instant it turned over. It started twitching and then. I saw as it danced on someone else's desk. I felt so awful just watching it. Everyone was laughing.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"I snapped. The whole class looked at me in shock.He looked at me and smiled. Something is definitely not right here.

I like you miss L/N. You've got some brains and a fighting spirit. Do the rest of you think it's funny do you? What if I made her drown itself or throw it out the window?"He asked.

At this everyone's faces fell.
"Now who knows another?"He asked.

I glared at the man as he looked around. A girl in the back with a rather annoying voice raised her hand.
"Yes Mr.Longbottom. What do you know?"He asked.
"The Crucio curse. Apparently it's super painful,"She said in a pick me tone.

"Very good. Now pay careful attention.
Crucio,"He shouted as the spider curled up on it's side. I closed my eyes and tried not to look at it. I was clawing at my thigh to control my breathing. I can't embarrass myself. I'm to strong for this.

"I think that's enough Professor,"Fred shouted from beside me while grabbing my hand so it wasn't digging into my skin. Moody stopped and I felt the panic decrease but not go away completely.

Finally it was over.
"Now the final curse. Avada Kedrava,"He shouted. We all watched it die.

"Class dismissed,"He instructed as we all when out.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now