That Nutjob

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For a while no one at all could shut up about the Yule Ball. They replaced Transfiguration with dance. I don't want to dance and I don't want to go to some dumb ball. Apparently I have to go since I'm competing. It's such BS.

McGonagall stood up in front of the class and cleared her throat. "The Yule Ball is being held at Hogwarts. You will be upholding Gryffindor. I will not expect a babbling bumbling bag of baboons,"McGonagall lectured.
"Try saying that five times fast,"Fred whispered to me and George. We all resisted our laughs but, alas poor Ronald did not. McGonagall quickly took notice.

"Mr.Weasley, Can you come help me?"She asked. Ron turned as red as his hair and stood up.
"Now place your hands on my waist,"She told him.
"Where?"He asked.
"My waist,"She demanded clearly losing patience.

"This is awesome Hermione,"I muttered. We looked at each other and grinned. "You'll never let him forget this, right?"Harry asked.
"Never,"the twins replied in synch.

"Now choose your partners,"McGonagall instructed while looking at me. She knows I hate this stuff. She stared at me until I gave in.

I looked around awkwardly to see most people paired before someone up behind me.

"Care to dance?"George asked surprising me.
"Of course I would dear gentleman,"I responded. The music started and he put my hand around my waist. I put my hands on his shoulders still unsure of what to do. He stepped on my foot and I knew we were on the same boat.

"There's something important you need to know,"He said seriously. Now I'm nervous. George should never be serious.
"What?"I asked.
"Well it's about Fred. I wasn't supposed to say anything but,"He was interrupted by someone crashing into him. Fred is apparently a terrible dancer. "Mr.Weasley, how does that even happen? Everyone just go. We're done here,"McGonagoll sighed. "Thanks for stopping dance class Fred. Anyways what did you want to tell me?"I asked George.
"I forgot. I'll see you later kind lady,"He said bowing.
"I hope dear sir,"I said before walking away.

As I was in the halls I felt someone push me. "Dirty Dyke,"They spat. I looked up to see Parkinson. In an instant I pulled out my wand as she drew hers.

"Expeliarmas,"I shouted disarming her. "Mimble Wimble,"I shouted again making her unable to talk. "Say it again,"I mocked as she started crying.

It suddenly got really quiet and I turned around to see Professor Dumbledore walking.

"I am very disappointed in you,"He said. I kept my head down. "Miss Parkinson, go to the hospital wing, then come to my office for your detention. I told everyone to not talk about personal life. 10 points from Slytherin,"He deadpanned. Her face was in shock, and she stormed off. "Can you come with me miss Y/N?"He asked. I sighed and followed him to his office.

Once we stopped there was a hippogriff statue. "Lemon Drop,"He said. I was about to accept until the hippogriff moved. There was a staircase and he gestured for me to follow. I want a Lemon Drop now.

The office had all kinds of cool things. There were globes,paintings of old headmasters,and the sorting hat. What really caught my eye though was a Phoenix. It had stunning feathers.

"She's a beauty. Now I just want to talk to you. Take a seat,"He instructed. I took a seat, feeling nervous now.

"How are you doing with all that's happening? It can't be easy,"He said calmly. "I'm fine,"I said casually.
"Are you sure? The professors and I are always here to talk to. You aren't in trouble for the jinx but if there is a professor go straight to them,"He told me. I nodded and left once dismissed. Why would I want to open up to that old dude? He went completely psychotic on Harry. I hate to agree with Malfoy but, he is a nutjob.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now