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"What did you say?"Hermione asked shocked.
"I'm sorry. I can't help it. There is this really pretty girl from the other school and it scares me,"I confessed.
"I'm not mad Y/N/N. That is out of your control and there is no reason to be sorry,"She assured me before pulling me into a hug.

We stood up and I brushed myself off. It was getting dark so we headed back to the castle. I was still a bit shaken up but I ignored it.

Once we made it to the castle I took my usual seat next to Fred.
"Where were you?"He asked.
"She was with me. We were just studying,"Hermione lied.

Fred looked confused before saying
"No you weren't. We just pulled a prank there."
I fiddled with my robe a bit trying to think of something.

"You can tell me. I'm your best friend,"He said sounding hurt.
"I'm sorry Fred but it's very personal and I don't want people to know yet,"I explained.
"You have a boyfriend don't you?"He asked.
"You need to stop Fred. No she doesn't and it's her business,"Hermione snapped.

"You know what, don't tell me. What secret is so bad that you don't want me to know? Never mind all those things I did for you,"He yelled getting louder.
"What about when I helped you? Not every thing is about you,"I shouted.

I saw pain on his face. Without a word I left the table with my meal still on it. No one followed. I don't know how I feel about that. I slid down on the wall and felt more than I thought possible. There was such pent up anger and pain and frustration. Why would he say that and why did I say that? I want to slam my head against the wall behind me.

"Are you okay?"I heard a girl ask. I looked up to see the girl I liked.
"Not really, squeaked.
"Let me help,"She said before joining me on the floor.

"I'm Claire. What is your name?"she asked.
"I'm Y/N,"I told her.
"Well Y/N,you have pretty eyes,"She complimented as I felt my face heat up. I looked at her hazel eyes. They were still stunning.

"Why were you crying? It better not be about a boy,"She joked.
"It kind of is. I can't tell my best friend something personal so I lied and he realized and got mad that I wouldn't say what, and I snapped. I don't know if it was okay to snap. It's so much to deal with,"I said while pulling at my hair.

"Hey, squeeze my hands,"She said holding them out. I stared at them. I could hurt her.

As if she was reading my mind she said "I'm stronger than I look." I nodded and squeezed her hands. She kept looking at me and directed my breathing. After I was completely calm she started speaking.

"You're allowed to feel how you do but you need to decide if it's worth saving. Is it?"She asked. I didn't even need to think as I shook my head.
"I had the same thing happen to me. I hid a secret because I was scared I did something wrong. I had to learn that I didn't. It was too late though,"She told me.
"I'm sorry,"I replied.
"Don't be. Just remember that you need to do what's best for you even if it's different then what's best for him,"She said.

"So what am I supposed to do though. I don't want him to know and I haven't been the best friend to him. I doubt he'll want to even look at me,"I told her. 
"Friendship is a two way street. Think it over for now so you can both cool off"She advised.
"That helps a lot Claire. Thank you,"I responded.
"What are friends for?"She asked.

It hurt but not as bad as what happened earlier. I just need time to figure it out.

"Are you okay?"She asked snapping me out of the trance.
"Yeah. I should get going,"I squeaked before waving goodbye.
"I'm here if you need me,"She shouted before turning the other way.
I just need some time. Maybe it will get better.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now