The Beatle(TW)

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Hermione and Ginny dragged me to a dress store for the ball. The problem is my thighs still have fresh cuts and it's hard to try on dresses without them noticing. I don't know how it will turn out. If they see them they'll know I'm fake. I'll end up with no one left.

"Earth to Y/N, blue or pink?"Hermione asked before showing me a stunning dress. It fit her perfectly.
"I think the pink matches your personality,"I told her.
"What do you mean?"She asked.
"The layers show how many you have that make you you. The colors don't blend but, they build on each other instead. It's a look of much you have to show everyone,"I explained.

"That's the nicest thing I've ever heard Y/N. Thank you,"She teared up before hugging me.
"We have to find your dress now,"Ginny said excited.
"I don't like the prices. Maybe I'll just dress up my robe,"I told them.
"Y/N, what's going on for real? You can trust me,"Hermione assured me.
"You guys know I hate this stuff,"I said. It's not really a lie.
"We need to know so we can help you,"Ginny spoke.

I looked at the floor and put my hands in my pockets. Hermione grabbed my chin and made me look at her. "Why are you nervous?"She asked.
"I'm not,"I said casually.
"You're rocking back and forth. You do that when you're nervous,"She told me.

"No matter what happens we'll be here for you,"Ginny agreed.
"You'll leave me too. If you see what I am you'll want nothing to do with me,"I whispered.
"We love you, and nothing can change that,"They assured me.

I took a deep breath. Maybe I'll feel better.

"When I was eight I had a crush on a girl. I wrote about it in my diary. I found out the next day that they read my diary every night. Everything changed that night. I didn't get hugs or bedtime stories anymore. There were no new clothes or presents. I barely even got fed. That wasn't enough. I was locked in my room. I liked it be because, there was no violence. When I cried it got worse so I learned to not make a sound. Remus was our neighbor and he saw me being hit with a belt through the window. He banged on that door and they just threw me out with nothing but the clothes on my back. When I was 14 and I decided I deserved to die. I used my shaving razor and made cuts on my stomach. As I was about to slit my throat Remus walked in. He wrapped me in a blanket and held me all night. He read to me. It was the first time in years anyone read to me. After a while we decided to stop the medications because of money and me feeling better.  Ever since the headlines I needed it so that I could get rid of guilt,"I confessed.

There was dead silence and I knew that I was going to lose them.

"You aren't guilty of anything. There's nothing wrong with liking anyone
Y/N,"Hermione told me.
"We aren't leaving but you need to talk to Remus. He can help,"Ginny told me.
"I don't want to let him down,"I said trying to stop the tears. It didn't work and soon I was sobbing. Hermione held my hand as Ginny rubbed my back.

"We'll go another day. Let's have a girls night with Luna. The Ravenclaw tower is huge,"Ginny suggested.
"That sounds nice. I should right him though. I'll be back by dinner,"I assured them.
"Ok,we'll see you tonight,"Ginny said before they continued looking at dresses.

I pulled out my journal and quill and ripped a page out to start writing.

Remus I have to tell you something. I know you heard I got picked but I'm not doing well. Kids are beating me and sending me hate mail. I don't even bother to open it anymore. This is the part where you're going to be mad. I cut again. It's still fresh and I feel like I deserve it. I understand if you want to leave me. I love you

I grabbed an owl and tied the letter to its leg. I didn't realize the beatle right by me though.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now