There's No Coming Back

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I didn't get in trouble but, I would get random check in's by Poppy. It could be during class or 1am. Looking forward to it. At least me and Poppy will get closer. It's worth it though because, tonight I'm heading to the astronomy tower with Fred. If Neville hadn't walked in we definitely would have made out. Just saying. Maybe we can do that tonight. I really hope so. Just remembering seeing him shirtless brought butterflies to my stomach. I looked at the time and saw I was about to be late. I had no time to change. Fluffy pajamas will have to do.

When I got to the common room Fred was sitting the stairs bouncing his leg up and down. I love how he wasn't wearing anything extra. He was in a sweater and sweatpants. I realized I was staring and cleared my throat to let him know I was behind him. He turned his head and looked at me. He got that stupid grin on his face that I love so much.

"Hi,"He said. "Hi,"I said back. "You look really pretty,"He told me. "I'm in pajamas,"I reminded him. "I can see that,"He responded. "You look nice Fred,"I told him. He got close to my ear and whispered "I know." I tried to punch him in the arm but, he just grabbed my hand and grinned. I had no idea he could do that. Honestly, it was kind of hot. "Your mouth is open pretty lady,"He said laughing. I could feel myself blushing. "I like having the effect on you that you have on me,"He said. "I do?"I asked. He didn't say a word. Just held out his hand. I interlocked our fingers and we headed to the astronomy tower.

Apparently he has a map that shows everything and everyone in Hogwarts. It explains how George and him never get caught. He borrowed it from Harry without his knowledge. He said he wants us to spend as much time together as possible.

Once we made it to the tower I sat down as close as the edge as possible to look at the night sky. There's not a single cloud so you can see every star. Fred just hugged me from behind, and I couldn't control the grin on my face. "I know you're blushing,"He whispered in my ear. My face heated up even more.
"I've always liked the stars, but seeing them with you makes them even more special,"I told him. We were silent, but it was comfortable. His arms were still around me and his chin was rested on my head. 

After a few minutes I leaned back and rested my head on his lap. He was running his fingers through my hair. I opened eyes and looked at him.  Without a word he leaned down and kissed me. I didn't stop as it turned from gentle to lustful. He slowly licked my lips and I let him in. I ran my hand through his hair and tugged at it as he deepened the kiss. I explored his mouth before laying on top of him. My heart was racing as he trailed down to my neck. I could feel him start to leave marks and I sucked in a breath as he sucked on my skin.
"Are you okay with this love?"He asked. "Definitely Freddie,"I told him.

Without another word he slipped his hand up my shirt and threw it across the room. There was no coming back from where we were and I wouldn't have it any other way.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now