It's not your fault

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I woke up to a pair of arms around me. I turned over to see Fred sleeping.

"Go back to sleep Y/N/N,"He whispered. I saw it was still dark and the others were all asleep.

"I'm sorry,"I muttered. "You've got nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry I left you,"He whispered.

"It wasn't your fault,"I told him.
"Then it wasn't yours,"He said before kissing my forehead. I snuggled closer using his chest as my pillow before finally drifting off.

"Y/N, are you awake?"I heard Ginny ask. I turned around to see there was light outside.

"Well when someone has their eyes open they're probably awaje,"I muttered before sitting up. I ignored the pain and stood up carefully.
"Don't push yourself,"Mr.Weasley said from the kitchen.
"I'm okay. Is there any apple juice?"I asked. He poured me a glass as I sat at the table. I was so thirsty it was gone in five seconds.

"We'll be apperating back as soon as we pack everything. "Ron can you come help?"He asked.
"Why me?"He groaned.

"I'll help too,"Ginny offered. We all followed her out still in last nights clothes. There was a lot of silence since we were all lost in our thoughts.

"You okay?"George asked sitting next to me. "I'm fine,"I told him. "And how are you and Fred going?"He teased. I rolled my eyes.

"What are we talking about?"Fred questioned appearing out of no where.
"World domination,"I replied.

"I have to go. I'll be back,"George said throwing me a wink.
We sat in a comfortable silence for a bit.

"Are you ready for school?"He asked out of no where. I laughed.
"What are you laughing at?"He asked while raising his eyebrows.

"We just had a completely terrifying night but we can still ask silly questions. It's pretty nice,"I explained.

"It's time to go,"Harry told us. We all walked over to Mr.Weasley and locked arms. Once again I almost puked as we were transported to the Burrow.

"Oh my gosh. You're all okay,"Molly cried seeing us. She hugged everyone and was about to hug me until seeing the bruises everywhere.

"Oh my dear Y/N. What happened?"She asked.

"It was just a run in. I got lucky,"I told her.

"What do you mean run in?"Remus asked appearing out of no where. He saw the bruises and his eyes shot open.

I could hear Molly talking to the twins in the background as I walked with Remus to the living room.

I took a seat on the couch and he handed me a chocolate bar. I broke off a piece and ate it.

"Please tell me what happened. What did they do to you?"He asked.

"The death eaters. I couldn't run right because if my ankle and I fell. They cruciod me. Pretty rough night,"I said as the reality kicked in.

Voldemorts back and he has an army.

"Let get you home Y/N. I'll get your trunk and we'll figure out what to do,"He told me going upstairs to grab my stuff.

"I'm glad you're alright,"Hermione told me.
"I'd hope so,"I joked.
"Right back to yourself I see,"She said relieved. "Who else is she going to be?"Ron blurted out sitting beside her.

"Alright Y/N. We have to go,"Remus instructed. I headed to the fireplace and shouted The Lupin Cottage as Remus followed me.

"I'm glad you're back okay. I've was just making some potpies. Would you like to join?"He asked.
"Duh,"I remarked while joining me in the kitchen.

We baked for a good two hours. We ended up making cupcakes too. By the time we finished there was barely any room in the fridge for them.

"Can we eat them now?"I asked looking at the cupcakes.
"We should eat the potpies first,"He suggested setting them on the table. "I almost died though,"I pouted. He gave in and handed me one with tons of sprinkles.

We ate dinner after like everything was fine and nothing was wrong. I saw some ducks staring at me through the window.

"Why do you keep feeding them?"I asked as they stared at me with your beady eyes.

"You just have to be nice to them,"He said like it was simple. "I am nice to them. They are just greedy,"I pouted. "So you don't want to feed them?"He asked.

"Of course I want to feed them. I just want to do it from a safe distance,"I told him He laughed at me before ruffling my hair.

"Why does everyone do that?"I grumbled. He chuckled and took our plates to the kitchen.

"I'm going to bed now,"I replied yawning.
"Not so fast. We have to clean your wounds,"He instructed, approaching me.
"Can't I do it myself?"I asked.
"Ok. It's in your room,"He told me. I nodded and went up the stairs.

I opened my door and saw the supplies on my dresser. I also saw my wand had been found. I'm so happy I can hex people I don't like. Draco is on my list.

I apply the nice stinging alcohol and changed my bandage. It you drink it can you get drunk? I pulled the covers over my head and tried to ignore every bad thought. "Y/N doesn't break,"I muttered.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now