An Everyday Saturday

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I was running around trying to find Harry to warn him about the second task. I was thinking pretty hard until I realized Hermione is his friend. Where does Hermione go when she helps? The library!

After running from one side of Hogwarts to another I saw Harry half asleep on his books. I was about to wake him up until I saw a house elf hand him something. That house elf looks familiar for some reason. He looked at me and apperated. I was very confused. "Harry!"I said while shaking him awake He sat up and looked at me.
"Y/N, shouldn't you be at breakfast ?"He asked.
"We are going to be late to the task. Come on and grab that plant a house elf left on the table ,"I said before grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the Black Lake.

We made it and I looked around. There was no sign of Fred. Hermione, and Ron were also missing.
"Where are they?"I asked Harry. Before he could answer the announcer started speaking.

"Welcome to the 2nd task everybody. Today the young champions will stay in the lake for one hour to get something very special. Now let's begin."He shouted. Everyone was going insane.

I was going to use the bubblehead charm until Harry handed me some stolen Gilyweed. We looked at each other and nodded in understanding that as long as one of us wins Hogwarts will stand proud.

I dived into the water and it was freezing cold. It was actually easy to see. I quickly swam down to see something tangled in weeds. As I got closer I saw it wasn't something. It was people. There was familiar red hair. It was Fred. Hermione was out along with Ron. Harry was about to be attacked by merpeople.

I could hear them telling him to go. He was fighting with them as they poked him with a sharp object. He couldn't hear me so I tapped him and mouthed for him to go. He shook his head and I knew at that moment he wasn't leaving with out the little blond girl. There was a stick right by me. I grabbed it and quickly cut Fred free while the merpeople were dealing with Harry. I then cut the girl free and swam up to harry to hand her to him along with Ron. I swam up and it was getting harder and harder to move my body. I didn't think I could do it, but I reached the surface.

Fred woke up and heled me swim to the shore. We were instantly given towels and coco. Harry made it out with Ron and Fleurs sister. Hermione threw a towel around Harry and Ron.

"I was your favorite prize?"Fred asked. I pulled him in closer and wrapped an arm around him. He nuzzled into my shoulder as we sat there shaking.

The judges started speaking,"Now we will be giving the champions scores. In last place Fluer who did not join. No shame Fluer. You'll get em next time. Mr.Krum was in 3rd for his shark head transfiguration. Now we have something that has never been done before. We have decided that because of their,courage,quick thinking,wits,and of course teamwork, Harry Potter and Y/N L/N are tied in first place."

It took a second to register. I helped. I got a spot in first place.  Everyone was yelling mine and Harrys names.

"GRYFINDOR PARTY IN FAVOR OF GRYFINDOR TONIGHT,"Someone shouted. Everyone was cheering even louder somehow.

Hermione and Krum were both talking to each other. I watched as he pulled a beatle out of her hair. Ron grimaced. "I know it sucks dude. I'm sorry,"I told him.
"Nothing sucks. Just the fact that she's betraying our school,"He said before storming off. Harry looked at me, and I nodded to let him know he should follow him.

"Are you doing alright?"Fred asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?"I asked worried. Does he know something?
"You just swam to the bottom of the Black Lake and fought off mermaids,"He reminded me.
"Just another Tuesday,"I said smiling.
"Y/N, I hate to tell you this, but it's Saturday,"He said. I laughed and wrapped my arm around him.
'It's an everyday Saturday,"I said.

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