No Longer Private

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Every day was a living hell. I constantly had to deal with glares and whispers. Me and Harry became like siblings making sure to help each other with the jinxes. The only person on our side was Hermione.

As we were walking around I could see Potter stinks badges. I knew exactly who made them. I spotted him in a tree.  He jumped down. I know this is serious but why is everyone jumping from trees?

"Come down coward. Are you gonna tell daddy again?"I said angrily.
"You know my father pretty well by now Y/N,"He said smugly. Just as I was about to say something else Harry showed up.

"Hello Potter. How do you like the badges?"He smirked.
"If that's what you spend time I can see why Hermione's beating you in all classes,"I insulted.
"I was talking to Potter you filthy scum,"He spat before speaking to Harry again.

"My father and I have a bet you see. I think you won't last 10 minutes out there. He disagrees. He says you won't last five,"He laughed.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks. He's vile and cruel and you're pathetic,"Harry told him before walking away.

As soon as he turned his back I saw him pull out his wand. Just as I was about to hex him I saw a ferret. We turned to see Madeye lifting it in the air.

"Only cowards attack from the back,"He shouted as we watched ferret boy float up and down in the air.

"What are you doing?"Professor McGonagall questioned.
"Teaching,"He responded simply.
"Teaching. Is that a student? She asked horrified.
"Technically it's a ferret,"He pointed out.
"Change him back,"She demanded.
We all groaned as he changed back.
"Surely Dumbledore told you we don't use Transfiguration as a punishment,"She scolded.
"He might of mentioned it,"He shrugged.

As soon as Malfoy was turned back he said his most famous line.
"My father will hear about this,"He snapped. He really is an idiot.
"I know you father sonny,"Madeye said before Malfoy scurried away.

"That was awesome,"Harry said as we highfived.

"Y/N,come here,"Hermione said startling me.
"Okay,"I said confused. As soon as I did she pulled me into an empty classroom.

"What's up?"I asked. "The Daily Prophet outed you,"She said before shoving the paper in my face.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now