Letting Go

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I was bouncing my leg up and down while waiting for the countdown. When it came to the last tournament we got some kind of hint. I'm hoping we get something like that for the last one.
"Y/N, L/N. We need you now,"Somebody called. I quickly slung my bag over my shoulder and almost ran out of the classroom. The desperation for the hint was killing me.

I got outside to see all the other contestants there. Harry looked like he was going to throw up any minute so I patted him on the back. He looked up and gave me his best attempt at a smile. I put a lot of emphasis on the word attempt.
"You're gonna be great Harry." He looked up, and his smile looked less like a grimace this time.

"Now if you look ahead you'll see a maze. We've been growing up for months now. All you have to do is find your way back to the cup."
"That can't be it,"Someone commented, and I nodded my head.
"Well there will be creatures in there. Dangerous creatures and several obstacles. That's the fun part."
"He creeps me out,"I mouthed to Harry.
"I couldn't agree more."

"Before you do go inside we have your families here. They're in the stands. Go on up and say hi."
Harry looked ready to cry and I lead him to where Remus was. When we arrived the entire Weaey family was there to.
"There you two are. We've been waiting."
Harry looked behind him.
"Yes,you two Harry. I did bring small gifts,"Remus said handing us each a box. I opened mine to see a small pocket. I opened it and there was a picture of me and him on the inside. It was my very first birthday party with him.

"I know you're not one for flashy things, and I don't know much about jewelry so Tonks helped me pick it out,"He explained going red at her name.
"I have a question."
"What's up kiddo?"
"Can I call you Dad now? You don't have to say yes but it feels right with how much you've been here,"I told him almost whispering. I looked at him to see him tearing up.
"You can call me whatever you want."
"Then I'm going to call you Dad,"I said with tears running down my cheeks.

"Y/N, we have to go now. Thank you for the chocolate Remus. Goodbye Mister and Mrs.Weasley."
"Good luck!"Ron shouted from the stands.
I turned around when I heard Fred yell my name. He ran to me and kissed me like he would never see me again.
"I'm in love with Y/N L/N. I always will be, so don't die on me,"He told me with a serious face.
"I'm not going anywhere Freddie. I love you too much"I promised hooking my pinkie around his.

"Y/N we really have to go,"Harry called. I gave him one more kiss and went to join Harry.
"Are you going to explain that?"
"Fine. Also congratulations on what happened with Remus."
I smiled and opened the locket to see the picture inside.
"We will call the contestants in order. So tied first place comes Harry and Y/N. If they are in need of an emergency shoot red sparks out of your wand for us to get you. This does mean you forfeit. First one to find the cup ones. Ready,set,go!"He shouted.

I racked into the maze doing anything I could to get ahead for a second to think. Then I realized I could keep on hand on the maze the entire time. I started following it when suddenly it moved.
I screamed when vines started dragging me down. I went for my wand and shouted "DIFFINDO."
The vines slowly cut and I had to do it a few more times before they severed completely.

I was finally free when I caught sight of Krum. Something in my gut told me to keep my wand out. It payed off because he went crazy with spells. He had this look of insanity in his eye. I took a note out of Harry's book and Expelliarmused him. He went flying back. I ran once I was sure he was out. I needed to win. He's on his own.

I ran into a few more obstacles but managed to escape every time. Then,I saw it. A goblet glowing bright green with a hint of blue. I turned to my side to see Harry. I made a run for it when I heard him scream. I turned around to see he was trapped in the same vines I was.
Competition or not I can't leave my friend. He's helped me, and I'll continue to look out for him.
"DIFFINDO!"I screamed several times. They let him go, and I ran to get him up.

"Together?"He asked. I nodded and grabbed his hand running all alongside him. After counting to three we grabbed it at the same time. Then came the familiar gut wrenching feeling. We had touched a portkey.
I landed with a thud on hard ground. I observed my surrondings to see a graveyard.
"Harry, something tells me this isn't part of the task!"
"I think you're right. We have to go. Keep your wand out,"He demanded.
I nodded in agreement and looked around. I saw a grave stone with a familiar sounding name.
"Tom Riddle,"I muttered, racking my brain for who that was.

"Tom Riddle?! Y/N,we're in danger. We have to go now!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the portkey. Before I touched it though I felt something flow through my body and everything went dark for a second.

I awoke in an unfamiliar setting. There was brightness all around me. It was a white light.
"Am I dead?"I asked no one in particular.
"Yes. You are."A gentle voice answered.
"Who's there? I'm not dead. This is a dream. A very, very bad dream. I'll wake up fine."
I heard footsteps and someone stepped out of the shadows. Two people actually. They looked like Harry's parents.
"I can't be dead. I'm not. I have to help him!"
"You have Y/N. He's going to need your help again too. He's going to fight Voldemort. I need you to help us,"Lily told me. I looked around one more time before getting up and following her.

"He's about to cast the spell. Are you ready?"James asked me. I nodded and felt a bust of energy come through me. It's what I imagined electricity would feel like.
I was in the graveyard except all my energy was on one thing.
"Harry you have to do this. You have to."
"I've got you Harry.
"Harry Potter. Don't let us die for nothing,"I pleaded. He seemed to gain strength and there was a blast. While Voldemort was distracted he ran to my body before touching the portkey. He was back on the field.

There was music in celebration until you could hear him scream. Somebody stopped it and Dad ran to the field.
"That's, That's my daughter. No, No, No! My girl. Wake up,"Remus screamed.
"I couldn't leave her. I couldn't leave her."
I saw Fred run to the field and pull me to his chest.
"This is a dream. This is a messed up dream. Wake up love. Just wake up,"He begged. I wouldn't though.

"You don't have to watch."Lily assured me.
"No, I do. I need too."
They stood next to me and put their hands on my shoulder.
I watched Luna in the stands and for the first time I saw the happy,bubbly girl break down in sobs. Cedric slowly walked over and they held each other. Hermione was holding Ron as tightly as she could,burrowing her head into his chest. He was holding back tears. Ginny didn't hold hers back as Molly comforted her. Harry still hadn't let go of me.

"I'm sorry. I can't watch anymore."I told them now sobbing. It wasn't for me. It was for them. For my friends and family. For all the people I knew.

"You don't have too. You've done enough protecting our son. Thank you Y/N. It's time to go now."

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now