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"Move a little faster,"Remus instructed me as I pulled my trunk behind me.
"It's heavy,"I said.
Remus sighed and walked over to help. In a swift motion he picked it up and had it in his arms.
"It was what?"He asked.

We walked for a bit until we made it to the platform.
"Please be good this year,"He practically begged before pulling me into a hug.
"I'm always good,"I respnded with an innocent smile.
"Be careful. It's going to get rough,"He told me. I nodded and ran towards the wall.

"There you are. C'mon now,"Lee said pulling me into the train. He didn't let go until we made it to our compartment.

"Hello there,"George greeted.
"And to you good sir,"I exclaimed while tipping my imaginary hat.
"What about me?"Fred asked.
"And to you as well and everyone but the person who nearly popped my arm,"I taunted while glaring at Lee.

"Are you gonna sit?"Fred asked.
"No Freddie. I plan on standing the entire time,"I said sarcastically. As the train started moving I ended up flying backwards.

"You are a true genius,"Lee laughed while clapping slowly.
"Oh shut it,"I told him before taking a seat next to Fred.

"You can't resist me,"He teased before wrapping an arm around me.

"When's your guys wedding and am I invited?"George said before highfiving Lee. In response I stuck out my tongue.

"You never denied it,"He pointed out.
"We're just friends,"Fred said casually. It made my stomach drop but I pushed it aside. After a bit I felt my eyes get heavy and I dozed off.

"Y/N/N, We're here,"Fred let me know shaking me awake. I noticed I was in Fred's lap.
"You fell asleep,"He explained reading my mind.

We made our way to the carriages. I noticed George and Lee were no one to be seen. I assumed they had gone without us. In the end we ended up finding one with Cedric and Cho.

"Hello Y/N. Are you feeling okay?"Cedric asked.
"I'm doing better,"I told him.

We all sat in silence until we arrived. I could feel Cho glaring at me as Fred glared at Cedric. I could cut the tension with a knife.

We sat like that until we arrived.

It's Not Your Fault  Fred Weasley X Reader TWWhere stories live. Discover now