That one girl

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We finally made to the school. It was raining pretty hard so it was slippery. I was about to fall but Cedric grabbed my arm.
"Thanks. I'm good now,"I let him know. He smiled and we made it to the school with Fred following behind me. He also could have been going to the castle. I hope it's the first option.

The second we made it Peeves started throwing water balloons at us. I tried to cover it with my cloak but I was still soaked.

"Peeves, that is unacceptable. I will call the Bloody Baren,"McGonagall threatened.
At this he flew up laughing. It was freezing cold.
"Do you want my scarf?"Cedric asked.
"No thanks Ced,"I responded.

"Since when was he Ced?"Fred asked.
"You know I love nicknames Freddie,"I said casually.
"He's the reason we lost the Quidditch match,"He complained.
"He offered a rematch. It's really not that big of a deal. We'll one this one anyway,"I shrugged. Once he was about to say something else McGonagall came out.

Welcome back everyone. I hope you had a somewhat good summer.Now everyone inside,"She instructed. We all followed her into the Great Hall. It seems to amaze more each time I see it. I do wonder if the candles could be real. Probably not since someone would light the school on fire.

Welcome students. I am happy to see everybody back safely,"He said. I got a shiver up my spine and swore his eyes landed on me. I felt someone squeeze my hand and looked over to see Fred.
"You alright love?" He asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?"I responded. He opened his mouth to say something before we heard the first years being called up.

It was the same as always. Cheer extra loud for Gryffindor and actually cheer the Slytherins since no other house would. I'm not completely heartless. I do hope it would end soon though because I was hungry. I don't even want to know how Ron is feeling. Just as it was over Dumbledore stepped up.

"Before we eat I would like to introduce Alaster Moody. He will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor,"He told us.

All of a sudden the doors slammed open maki g almost everyone jump in surprise. A man with a wooden stick for a leg and a blue eye. There were scars all over his face walked in. That's not the peculiar though. A single eye was on what looked like goggles. It was spinning and for the second time that night a shiver ran up my spine. I hate the fact that I wish Fred would grab my hand again.

The great hall was dead silent. There was thunder outside as it rained harder. The room suddenly freezing.

"Welcome Professor Moody. Please have a seat,"Dumbledore said cheerfully. Nobody moved. We were all in shock.

"Now for the next announcement. Mr.Filtch has reminded me to tell you that all prank objects are prohibited. The entire list is on the wall by the trophy room. My next news is that Quidditch has been cancelled this year." At this everybody was screaming and rightfully so. The girl next to me was so loud I swear my ear drums were ready to bleed. That was just plain unnecessary.Dumbledore held his hands out and everybody went silent.

He then told us that "The reason that Quidditch is canceled is because, Hogwarts will be hosting the Tri-Wizard Tornament." Everyone went crazy and cheered. I jumped up and threw my hands in the air.

Dumbledore then held his arms as a signal for us to be quite. Once again everyone was silent.
"Because of the death rate you must be of age,"He announced.

"THAT'S RUBBISH,"The twins shouted. Everyone was in an uproar. I grinned because I had already turned 17. I can't wait to either be incredibly disappointed or possibly die.

"With that I will announce the other school Durmstang and Beauxbatons,"He said as doors slammed open again. Justice for the doors. I could could recognized Victor Krum and saw Ron starring at him.

"Your brother has a crush,"I whispered to Fred.
"Called it,"He whispered back.
"Can you guys look already?"George said.
We turned our heads to see the Durmstang performance. They had some sort of cane that reminded me of batons. It did make me lough and I covered my hand before I could snort. The twins looked at me and had to do the same thing. I would say I looked insane but, I already am.

Next was the girls from Beauxbatnas. One girl caught my eye though. Not all of them,just one. She smiled in my direction and I felt my face go hot. It must be this stupid sweater. I loosened my tie but it did nothing to help.

Then they danced. It was hypnotizing. Something about that one girl was special. She stopped and I saw her eyes. They weren't blue like the others. This girl had beautiful hazel eyes.

"You good?"I heard George ask.
I snapped back into reality and nodded. I cursed myself for watching that one girl and feeling this way again. My first crush was actually a girl names Melissa but I thought was over that phase. It already gave me some horrible consequences.

"You okay? Your face is all red"Lee asked. "No reason. Let's just get back to watching,"I answered quickly. He looked at me but went back to watching the girls like I was..

I was so thankful when I got to go back to my dorm. Sleeping was impossible because of the guilt. I just laid there all night staring out the window.

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